Earth Day Food Art

2 more hours until May, and before this month wraps up- I wanted to squeeze in another belated post to celebrate Earth Day (a day to celebrate Mother Nature and environmental protection).

I made some art with food to celebrate that special day. Below are photos accompanied by short recipe for each in bullet point format. :blue_heart: :heart

Chirping Bird

  • The orange cantaloupe forms the beak, legs, and feet.
  • The green kiwi forms the wings and the tail.
  • The red watermelon makes the head and body.
  • The blue blueberry is the bird’s eye.

Cacti in Desert

  • The green peas make the cactus plants that thrive in the Arizona desert.
  • The yellow overcooked tortillas form the sand that the cacti grow on.
  • The black plate makes a dramatic night sky that also helps the colors pop more.

Fish in Sea

  • The green seaweed represents the sea.
  • The fish body is made of fish.
  • The yellow lemons are the fish’s fins.
  • The orange butternut squash makes the smile and eyes of the fish.
  • The orange mango pieces make the sun peeking over the ocean’s horizon.
  • The blue blueberries and white rice represent the white clouds on a blue sky.

A Flower For You

  • The green celery pieces represent the stem.
  • The green spinach leaves are the flower’s leaves.
  • The red watermelon makes the flower’s petals.
  • The orange slices make the center of the flower.


Tagging you my friend @TravellerG . I remember you requested me to tag you in my posts. :sparkling_heart:



Soviel Kreativität, schöner letzter April Beitrag

und ich hoffe es wurde dann alles mit liebe gegessen


@AZ_2021 muy divertido y colorido post! Un post muy sano…


You’re such an artist, @AZ_2021 ! The pea cactuses take the prize, in my opinion.

I’m sure everything was super delicious. Thanks for cookin’ up another food art post :grinning:


Wow amazing work i loved watermelon @AZ_2021


“…remember you requested me to tag you in my posts…”

Thank you very much, my dear friend @AZ_2021 … yes, I surely request you to tag me in your posts.

Wow… Simple but beautiful… Grand and effective!

Very impressive creations…

Highly appreciate your efforts and dedication!

I found your post as a very valuable and contextually important!

Congratulations for this share!

Regards with greetings…

:handshake: :rose: :pray:


Thank you @TravellerG for your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time to read and for cheering me on. It means a lot! :tada:


So happy to hear that @MohammadPalash :sparkling_heart: Watermelon is so tasty. I should buy it more often. I find myself getting busy and eating a lot of takeout, so it’s nice to slow down and make food art and eating something healthy in the process. :heart_eyes:

And you are too kind my neighbor @JustJake ! Thank you for your encouraging words. :couple_with_heart_woman_man: :cactus:


Aw thank you @Maximilianozalazar and @Annaelisa I admit I have been eating a lot of junk food lately due a busy schedule. However, It was fun to slow down and make some healthy fruit art. :heart_eyes:


0h… dear friend, @AZ_2021 ,

I really spoke from my heart…

Sincerely with most friendly love.

:handshake: :heart: :gift_heart:


@AZ_2021 WOW!!!

Thanks for sharing with us.


You are too kind @TravellerG ! :sparkling_heart:


Thank you my kind friend @jakiripsc . I appreciate you taking time to read and show your support. It means a lot. :sparkling_heart:


You are most welcome, friend @AZ_2021

:handshake: :gift_heart:

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Thank you for this sharing this artistic food post @AZ_2021 , a great way to celebrate nature and its essence! It takes a lot of precision and fruit selection to make the fruit art work work! Kudos to all your efforts! Keep sharing with us such wonderful ideas and posts! Best of Regards!

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Aw thank you so much @AnubhaBangia . Really appreciate your kind words! :sparkling_heart:

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@AZ_2021 :star_struck:

Du bist WUNDERBAR!!! Danke für deinen tollen Beitrag!! Sooo schön bunt und erneut eine Gemeinsamkeit :rofl: :wink:

Als die Kinder noch klein waren habe ich DAS des Öfteren gemacht, fand aber keine Fotos mehr… Dachte ich, dann fiel mir ein, dass ich die schönsten Ergebnisse auf Insta hochgeladen hatte :rofl:

Weintrauben Raupen… Die kernlosen Weintrauben auf einen Schachlikspieß stecken und Zucker Augen anbringen.

Mit Oliven, Mozzarella und Möhren habe ich kleine Pinguine gefertigt. Die gefielen unseren Jungs jedoch nur optisch :rofl: sie mögen noch heute keine Oliven

Radischen Mäuse, das ging ganz einfach und schnell

DIESE hier waren ein Hit! Aber die Oliven musste trotzdem ich essen :rofl:

Mumien WĂĽrstchen: mit einem Tupfer Majonaise und winzigen schwarzen Oliven StĂĽckchen die Augen gestalten. Fertig sind die Mumien WĂĽrstchen.

Sie haben nicht gefragt woraus Die Augen sind, also homöopathisch dosierte Oliven waren ok :rofl:

Ein 3D gestaltetes Aquarium Brot.

“Frischkäse leicht blau einfärben, Wasserpflanzen mit Brokkoli und Schnittlauch dekorieren und dann die Möhren Goldfische drauf stecken”

Zu der Zeit hatte der jüngere tatsächlich ein Aquarium und viel Freude daran. Muss man den Brokkoli mitessen Mama?!? Der ist doch soo gesund, schau Mama, der ist für dich! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tomaten-Gurken Pilze auf Salatbett

Die hatte ich fĂĽr meinen Mann gezaubert :wink:

Danke, vielen DANK fĂĽr diese kleine Zeitreise, angeregt durch deinen Beitrag :heart:



Kreativ ohne Ende :+1: :star_struck:


Aw @Stephanie_OWL your kind comment and wonderful food photos just made me smile after a long tough week.

I echo @Annaelisa - you are so creative my friend.

The penguins are so cute- and yes- another twinning moment- though I too don’t like eating olives- I still find the penguins so aesthetic. That was too funny how the mummies has smaller pieces of olives for the eyes so they weren’t detectable. :rofl:

Your aquarium is wow!! That is my one of my favorite besides the angry birds one. I love how you even took time to color the cream cheese and added healthy vegetables to it as well. Your story about the broccoli too made me giggle. :smile:

You are so talented my friend with your food art! :tada: :couple_with_heart_woman_man: