Do I need to buy additional space?

Hi team Google, recently have noticed that I am running out of space and have utilized 200%+ of my free allotted space of 15gb. Just to recall, have been religiously contributing to Gmaps, at Level 9 currently with 74k+ points, do I need to buy additional space :frowning:

Would be great if you give me more GBs on free of cost basis, thanks in advance :pray: :pray:

Pls respond asap, don’t want to loose my data :pray:




Hi @TheRoadographer as most of the space is occupied by photos, you can try compress to high quality, instead of original quality (if this is the case).

Visit this page to change the setting: (take care, is retroactive)

If you will continue stay over the quota, eventually all G based services, like gmail, will stop working.


Thanks @LucioV for your suggestion but would like to hear from team Google as well. Would be real disheartening if I need to BUY additional space to save my data :frowning:


When my free 1Tb perk expired, on november 2017, I had to pay a 1Tb plan that recently upgraded for free to 2Tb One :wink:


Hi @TheRoadographer

@LucioV reply is correct. For more details, this post was used in the help desk in the previous version of Connect, even if it was not written by a Googler. Still valid, even if it has not been migrate to the new Connect.

How to use your space in Google drive

For a confirmation, of course we can tag a Googler @GeorgesHR


Thanks @ErmesT I was looking for your thread, unsuccesfully…

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Oops, thank you for the feedback @LucioV

Fixed now

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Thanks @ErmesT for tagging the Googler @GeorgesHR Shall wait to hear from him :pray:

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Thanks @LucioV for to his info. But, just fyi, I nevrr got any such perk from Google :sleepy:

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Yup you need to buy more space.

Or manage your space usage as mentioned previously.

Best of luck.

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Hello @TheRoadographer ,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your problem with us. As @ErmesT and @LucioV have already explained, you can follow the steps mentioned at the following post How to use your space in Google drive. Everything is quite well described and easy to follow the instructions.

Should you have any further problems with it, you can also check the following topic Clear Google Drive space & increase storage and as explained there upload your photos to Google Photos to a “High quality” size which is free of charge and doesn’t take any space of your Google Drive.

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