Do flame trees grow around you?

Flame tree or flame of the forest or flamboyant tree is a popular tree around tropical regions like Nigeria. It is a beautiful tree that usually sprout orange-red flowers bringing out beautiful aesthetics of a particular place.

It usually grows it’s beautiful flowers ? around May - August. Other times of the year it brings it’s beautiful green symmetrical leaves ? leaving a lot of shade, and room to which birds nest.

This is what it usually looks like during dry season (one of the two seasons in Nigeria). I snapped this at exact street as I snapped the other displaying canopy of flowers above while it was bringing out its flowers during rainy season.

While practicing my photography and editing skills using my smartphone, I decided to increase the color saturation and highlights in the second picture above. This is what I got;

I learnt that it’s scientific name is Delonix regia.

Please do share if they grow around you.


Hello @Nuhuu it’s wonderfull nature


Great photos @Nuhuu . I love the rich and contrast in colors in your flame tree photo. Thank you for sharing.

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@Nuhuu Congratulations! Great photos and post!

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Hello @Nuhuu ,

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us.

I don’t remember seeing anything like this in Bulgaria, where I am currently. However, growing up in Morocco, where the climate is way more warmer, I remember seeing flame trees all over the country.


Yes it is truly, I hope you like it! @Magmed1Forever


This means a lot, thank you! @AdamGT I really was just going through and I remembered it’s about time it brings back it’s beautiful canopy flowers again in just about a month now.


Thank you @Eros_Hassen I’m glad you like it

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Hi @BorrisS

You’re most welcome! That’s interesting fact to know. I found out that it is native to the Madagascar’s dry deciduous forests, but has been introduced into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Includes

  • South Florida, USA

  • Karachi, Pakistan

  • Myanmar

and so many other countries.

I guess we’ll be seeing them sprout their flowers back again soon, the season is almost here.


You always see birds around this tree checking their nests, beautiful!


Growing up in Kano State, Nigeria, I remember having a lot of flame trees :deciduous_tree: but i can not remember seeing any here in Lagos.

Nice pictures @Nuhuu


Thank you @MrFreez :pray:t4: It’s actually interesting to know that there is in Kano State.


@Nuhuu Incredible trees! Thank you for sharing the photos of them not only in beautiful period, but in dry season as well.


Hi @OlgaKlimchik ,

Thanks for your reply!

I’m so glad you like it. I had actually become quite observant of the nature which surrounds me now, hence taking the pictures during the only two different seasons which we have in Nigeria, raining season (wet) and harmattan season (dry).

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