Discussion on Local Guides' 2024 Star Videos

2024 Star Video Discussion.gif

See also the dedicated discussion threads on Star Photos and Star 360 Spheres.

This post is where you raise any questions or wish to comment about any one of the specific star videos in the Local Guides 2024 Album of Star Videos or star videos generally. Please do not add them in comments in the album post itself or in last year’s Discussion on Star Photos & Videos post. Any such comments added there will be moved to this dedicated 2024 star videos discussion post.

By separating questions and general discussion on star videos from the album post should provide a much better and more enjoyable user experience when viewing the star videos in the album, especially on mobile devices. To enhance the reader’s experience when commenting on a specific Local Guide’s star video in the album, please also include a link to that star.

Updated Jan 30:

(a) Because posts once submitted on Connect cannot be deleted, if you ever believe that a post you’ve added to the Star Video Album post needs to be deleted then rather than adding a lame comment like “this comment has been moved to the discussion post”, let me or one of the Connect Moderators know and it will be moved for you. I’m sure that you’ll agree that we all would much rather see this discussion post rather than the album post itself looking a bit messy.

(b) For the same reason and as clearly following the principle mentioned in the second paragraph above, I’m not a fan of the practice of reserving your place in the album post by simply adding a one liner like “Reserved for my STAR video” and in the process kill the look and feel of, and the user experience that we want to achieve in the album post. If you’re not ready to add your star then please refrain from adding these lame comments in the album post. These will be moved to the discussion post.


@AdamGT Thank you for initiating the 2024 Album of Star Videos with your thoughtful efforts.


Thank you @PrasadVR . Perhaps hard to imagine but there is a surprising amount of work involved in posting both the star album and this discussion posts. First there is the problem of the cross linking between the two posts themselves. Then, as @JustJake has just reminded me, there is the need to have the post links and that of one star video post before the T100 System can be updated. Now this needs to be done before anyone can add their star videos to the album post. There is a number of chicken before the egg problems here :scream:


@JustJake it just goes to show how choosing the right subject for your video can have a great impact. I noticed that both our videos were uploaded onto Maps within days of each other and both of “food” yet your star video has 6 times the star views of my star video :scream: I’ll be watching this in the months to come to see how this pads out :joy: :rofl:


This post was moved to discussion

This post was moved to the discussion

@jayasimha78 ,

When I clicked your 2024 star video link to see the video, it took me to the POI but not to your specific video I believe this type of link can only be created on a desktop, laptop or Chromebook. You may find this tutorial helpful.


@AdamGT ,

Thank you for starting up the 2024 star albums. I apologize for already having forgotten to keep comments out of the album, but I have minimized them and will endeavor not to do it again. By the way, I noticed your in your 2024 star video post takes you to the poi not your video


@Rednewt74 Thanks for the Tip. I will check it out.

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@Rednewt74 Earlier today I noticed your comments on the album post and moved them. Please read the **Updated Jan 30:**comments that I added earlier to the cover of this discussion post so as to know what best to do should you have a lapse in memory on this again at some future date :wink: Thanks also for mentioning the link error which I have now hopefully corrected.



Yes that is a much better solution. I wasn’t aware that one could request that a post be moved…

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@Rednewt74 I omitted to mention that you could also for example add your current star 360 sphere say to the 2023 360 sphere album post in anticipation of the 2024 album post being ready and ask a moderator to move it for you to the 2024 album when it is finally open for posting.

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@AdamGT wrote:

I noticed that both our videos were uploaded onto Maps within days of each other and both of “food” yet your star video has 6 times the star views of my star video

Mine had a two-fold benefit; it was my Food Challenge entry & it made it to the Explore tab for Scottsdale. Now, it’s the featured video for the POI and is still cruising along. This wasn’t even my original Star Video, it just took off slowly.


@AdamGT ich finde die Idee gut im neuen Jahr neue Alben zu beginnen, dass wird hoffentlich für mehr Aktualität und Übersicht sorgen. Bei mir hat alles gut geklappt und ist hoffentlich richtig

@Rednewt74 kannst Du noch mal drüber schauen.

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It wasn’t your star but now is @JustJake ? And did you say “it just took off slowly”? In comparison to my star it looks like it’s racing ahead.

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@Annaelisa I’m pleased to hear that also like the idea of starting new albums at the start of the new year and also that everything went well for you. Once you go through the cycle a couple of times you realize how easy it really all is but it is understandable that at the beginning it is all foreign and perhaps a little confusing. And as I’ve only just mentioned in my reply here, keeping things in the right place and separating the discussion from the actual star media I think just makes things look so much better and easier for newbies to appreciate and follow. By the way, you’re doing well.

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Danke für die Antwort. Da diese Arbeit mit den Alben so arbeitsintensiv ist, will ich nicht noch mehr belasten aber ich freue mich über die Antwort. Deshalb habe ich @Rednewt74 gebeten nochmals alles anzusehen.


@AdamGT This wasn’t my first Star. I had another video posted a while ago that I started with, and then it was passed by the current one somewhat unexpectedly.

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@Annaelisa ,

Your link went to the town, but not specifically to your video .\

The link below works. You should be able to copy and paste it into your star video post

My star video from Gammelby, Germany

The problem is you can’t create the link properly on a mobile device. I’m happy to help anytime.

Take Care,

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I enjoyed your star video post. I thought you struck a good balance between featuring the main building and then panning right to show more of the grounds.