Discovering the Dallas World Aquarium After 12 Years

Last week I had a pleasure of visiting the Dallas World Aquarium after almost 12 years, a place that was once my all-time favorite. During my time living in Dallas, I made it a point to visit this incredible spot once every three months. The nostalgia and excitement of returning to this beloved DWA were overwhelming.

A Journey Through Time

As I walked through the familiar entrance, memories from my frequent visits flooded back. The Dallas World Aquarium has always been a sanctuary for me, offering a unique blend of marine life and lush rainforest environments. It’s not just an aquarium but a living museum of the world’s most fascinating creatures.

The Birds: A Spectacular Sight

One of the main reasons I loved and still love the Dallas World Aquarium is the amazing variety of birds. The aviary is a vibrant, colorful haven where you can see birds from around the globe. From the dazzling toucans to the elegant flamingos, each visit feels like stepping into a vibrant rainforest. The free-flying birds create an immersive experience, allowing you to observe their behaviors up close and personal. Their songs and calls add a beautiful soundtrack to the visual spectacle.

Frogs: Small Wonders

Another highlight of the Dallas World Aquarium is its impressive collection of frogs. These small, vibrant creatures are housed in meticulously designed enclosures that mimic their natural habitats. The variety is astounding, from the tiny, brightly colored poison dart frogs to the larger, more subdued tree frogs. Each exhibit provides detailed information about the species, their habitats, and conservation efforts, making it both an educational and enchanting experience.

New Additions and Old Favorites

Over the years, the aquarium has added new exhibits and enhanced existing ones. The Mundo Maya exhibit, for example, is a journey through the ancient Mayan civilization, showcasing not only marine life but also reptiles and birds native to the region. The South African exhibit introduces visitors to the wildlife of the African continent, featuring penguins, crocodiles, and even a leopard.

Despite the new additions, many of my old favorites remain. The Orinoco rainforest exhibit, with its lush vegetation and cascading waterfalls, is still a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The shark tunnel, where you can walk through an underwater tunnel surrounded by sharks and rays, is as thrilling as ever.

Here is a Google Map Link to the place:

Have you visited the Dallas World Aquarium? What were your favorite exhibits? Share your experiences and let’s keep the conversation going! :slightly_smiling_face:


The aquarium looks gorgeous and visiting again is a double delight.

Wonderful photos @paragkokane :+1:



Dieses schöne Dallas Aquarium leider nicht aber ähnlich gestaltete Orte und in dem feuchtwarmen Klima solcher Anlagen fühle ich mich immer sehr wohl

Übrigens sehr guter Beitrag und die Bilder sind fantastisch.


@Annaelisa Thank you!


Thank you @TusharSuradkar !


@paragkokane guaaaa que genial post y muy interesante ya que no conocía ese lugar! en Argentina casi ya no existen esos lugares ya que hay políticas que impiden la creación de zoológicos para los animales ya que consideramos que tienen que estar libres.



** @paragkokane **

अप्रतिम, रंगाचे पक्षी व बेडके…

आमच्या सोबत शेअर केल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद…


Fantastic place :heart_eyes:


WOW, such a vibrant color displayed by nature! Just amazing!

Thanks for sharing with us, @paragkokane .


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