Different recipes prepared from the Mango !!!

Dear connect community friends,

All is well that ends well, I signify this comment for successful tests and outcome of Corona vaccine development by the Pfizer Inc.

But today’s conversation with my inalienable friends is about different recipes prepared from the Mango .

See friends, although it’s not the season of the Mango, however its different from of recipes like Pickles last for 24 months wich are tasty one but very spicy and sour in taste. So ,I am uploading photos of its different recipes. Thanks .


Hi @ShekharMuz_5 Thanks for sharing.

What is your mango dish name? More information about the ingredients and cooking process would be appreciated.

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your Mango pickles looks mouth watering @ShekharMuz_5

I like mango pickles, my mom love to make different types of Mango pickles.

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