Random Facts About Me: I love chasing and playing with sunsets.
What about you? Do you have time for sunsets? Why/Why Not?
Video below is our trip to Dallenwill Uphill Resort. This trip is supposedly for me to show you guys what Dallenwill looks like. This place isn’t new for us though, mga Tubignons (locals from Tubigon). For it’s our go-to destination if we wanna go hiking, jogging, chilling, camping, and watching sunrise & sunset. We used to call the area “Magsaysay Drive” when it wasn’t developed yet. But even until now, I still call it that way. Dallenwill Uphill kasi for me is so not Boholano, which is correct! The name “Dallenwil” daw is a tribute to a very small town in the Swiss Alps; the hometown of Wendy (owner of the resort). However, what’s supposed to be a tour turned out to be a Q & A! It really wasn’t my intention to stop by at my cousin. It just… it just happened! LOL