Connect not accepting YouTube video links for "shorts"

If you want to link to a video in a connect post, if it is hosted somewhere (YouTube, Vemio, etc), you can insert a link to it and get a video preview. But if YouTube has labeled your video as a “Short” you get an error message.

I know you can add it like this,

but you should be able to add them like any other video. How can this issue be sent up for review?


~~ @Rednewt74 yes it’s a known issue and a few other folks have brought it up in the past. The team is well aware of the interest, but no news yet whether they’ll do something about it.~~

I can definitely let the team know about your interest and I’ll also let you know if I have updates in the future.

Edit: Ignore what I said above. Please have a look at the Accepted Solution.


Saludos @Rednewt74

Esta situación puede resolverse de la manera siguiente:

Mi link del short es:

Pero si lo colocas de esa manera en el cuadro de video la plataforma lo va a rechazar, entonces en el mismo link solo cambia la parte shorts/ por watch?v=

Eso permitirá que la plataforma lo identifique y puedas incluirlo en tu publicación. Prueba ese truco y nos compartes si te resulta.


@iyudhi ,

Thank you for the response. With all the new emphasis on short videos, I hope they make it a priority.

@LightRich ,

Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll try it out and let you know if it works.

I have tried twice, from phone & Chromebook without success. Included and deleted slash after shorts. Neither worked. It is kind of a pain, but I will try again.

@iyudhi , I followed your link back to your original shorts link. Yours looks like this.

Mine looks like this

The method is not working for me.\

I just discovered the problem. I got my link from the “share this video” button, You took yours from the address bar in YouTube.

Thanks @LightRich I actually didn’t know there’s a workaround! Trying it below

Apologies for giving you the wrong information before @Rednewt74

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Hi @Rednewt74

I took your link:

I pasted it into my web browser. The link then automatically jumped to:

By editing this to**watch?v=**Y861ipkr58I

I was able to insert the short YouTube video of your choice.

With this adjustment, I believe the solution can be tweaked to work with your links to YT shorts.



@MortenCopenhagen ,

Yes thank you. My reply didn’t make it clear that I understood the issue and was able to duplicate the solution. I should have striked through the it’s not working.

When giving the solution, I think it should specify that you need to take the link from the address bar and not get one from the “share” button.

I’m puzzled how my reply is ahead of the solution, when it was there before I replied.

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Solutions are copied to the top of the thread.

I’m happy that it is now working for you

