Change Temperature unit at google maps

The temperature icon has recently been activated on Google Maps iPhone. But the source of this data is unclear.
Also does anyone know how to adjust the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa?



Hi @Mehdiss

Please go to settings menu > General > then Select Language and Region > Tap Temprature unit from from Celsius to Fahrenheit or from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

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Thanks for your reply, but at IOS google maps there is not such way.

Where is your solution? on the desktop or ā€¦

If you mean IOS setting, I did it but problem is when you sign out and sign in or change accounts,(as attached pictures) unit will change. I mean this unit is not set via IOS setting and have another solution.


Hello @Mehdiss ,

Iā€™d recommend you sending feedback directly to maps team via send feedback option.


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Hi @Mehdiss ,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

As @deepakjhic suggested, please feel free to send feedback directly over the Google Maps app - Steps to send us feedback.

If you need moderation assistance from a moderator in the future, just make sure to tag one of the Google Moderators. Please avoid tagging people not mentioned in the above article.