Overtime family and friends have been asking same questions since God knows when. Having their opinions shaped by main stream media since the days of the Soviet Union. When bizarre tales about live in Russia are beamed regularly on TV sets all over the world.

These questions mostly bother on live in Russia

Questions that are nearly provocative, far reaching and not limited to the following…

Did people freeze on the street?

What are they eating in Russia?

Did men get drunk on the street?

Are they wealthy?

Are they all driving LADA?

Did they all wear Mink Fur?

What type of houses did they live in?

And other unprintable questions.

Question! Question !! and Questions!!! You would say.

Sorry beforehand! I won’t be able to provide answer to all question at least for this moment.

Again, I want to say beforehand, Russia is free as any other western countries.Russia is a beautiful country, so beautiful that I can’t stop emphasizing it and I won’t stop as long as people keep asking….

I will start with the last question about buildings in Russia . Hopefully, this attempt would satisfy many of my curious friends.

Buildings is Russia can be divided into the four categories.

  1. The Classic building.
  2. The Red brick Apartment Block.
  3. The Grey Communist Block.
  4. The Modern High Rise.

Classic building.

The classic buildings has you would expect are the crème de la crème of buildings in the country. They are usually restyled version of French architecture. They come with elaborately beautified Façade with protruding patterns. These patterns are sometimes floral, stripes or sculptures. They are the most beautiful and most expensive of all building type. In each apartment you will find between three to four rooms and they are mostly situated in the heart of the city but that is not a rule, you also find them in suburban. Needless to say, they are owned by millionaires. They are simple out-reach of an average working class.

Red brick Apartment Block

The Second in the category is the red brick apartment block. One thing you can’t take away from them is their attractive red charm. Then, unlike the classic buildings they are not confined to any location rule, you see them further to the suburbs. Owned by the middle class especially by professionals but this is not a rule. Other class could also be an owner. Wherever you find them, they typically stand out from the surroundings area. Their trademarks are the red bricks, green roofs and large court yard. Courtyard which provides for car park and children play area.

You hear often that they are warmer in winter that any other building type. This is own to the red brick high insulating property.

Grey Communist Block

The grey communist block remains the most popular and wide spread. Unfortunately, construction of this type of building has long stopped. They are usually prefabricated in the factory and assembled on sites. In Ufa , they typical come in nine storeys building and are the strongest of all building. They never cracked and you cannot successfully hammer a nail into them. They are made to last forever. Certainly, they come with grey colour, their usual trade mark. They might not be so attractive from outside, apparently this is not their primary purpose. They are meant for mass housing. Some have been repainted to look modern and well enough, it depends on what individuals make of them.

Modern High Rise

The fourth is the Modern High Rise. Construction of this type of building begins after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They are modern, come in all shapes, colors and sizes, just as seen in the picture above. Unlike the other type of building that typical lack columns, Construction of this type starts with columns and slabs. After the construction of columns and slabs, the walls are then made from row of bricks. Later on, the walls are covered with silicon wool and finally, cladded in tiles or aluminum panels. This last category doesn’t conform to any known standard and they come in one to four room apartments. One noticeable disadvantage about them is the small area earmarked for parking and children playfield.

Interesting facts about buildings in Russia.

  • Building taller than five stories must have lifts in addition to staircase.
  • It is mandatory that all building have emergency stair case at the back.
  • A motorable road is linked to every building. This means taxis could come to every door steps.
  • All buildings are to leave a distance 25m from the main road.
  • Each building quarter (mostly five blocks of houses) must have children play area, sport facilities and car park.
  • Main entrance door must a граммофон with loudspeaker and microphone.
  • Poly-clinics are situated in every micro district.
  • Block of houses are typical divided to entrance (PODESD) meaning each house has at least three entrance with their separate lift and stair.

Interesting, @Emmik20

Thanks for sharing.

Maybe we should have a project where the 4 most common types of homes/buildings could be presented with pics and text from different countries.

I think it could be interesting and a very useful cultural exchange.




Hello @MortenCopenhagen Thanks for the comment. Yes. I am full support. We should create projects about home/building from different countries.

We can extend the categories to include other types of buildings too , like bungalow and cottage home.

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Ideally it should reflect statistics in the country on what types of homes/building people live in.



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen . Thanks for the reply. I will start working on collating pictures for the project.

This is a very interesting post @Emmik20

Thanks for sharing impressive photos from Russia.

I will participate in the project too as suggested by @MortenCopenhagen that’s a Cool idea…!

Hi @TusharSuradkar I am pleased that you find it interesting. Welcome on board. Writing about type of buildings in each country for example India will not only be interesting but equally informative.

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Sure @Emmik20 I’d love to.

Should I add it here or are you starting a separate post?

Hi @TusharSuradkar . I don’t plan to start another post. You can add it here . It will probably take me another week to take pictures and write again.

I will also advise you start a similar post cus I might not always be online. This is because of my other non- online activities.

Best regards from me.

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@Emmik20 this is an interesting topic. Urban planning and housing gives cities their identity. We don’t have many prefabricated houses in Nigeria. Although highrise buildings are becoming common bungalows are dominant.

I want to know the guidelines for accessibility in these housing types. What clear provisions are made for persons with disabilities in Russia?

Hello @EmekaUlor Thanks for the comment. I understand there are not many prefabricated houses in Nigeria. And I believe they gradually gaining popularity , going by what I saw in Abuja when I visited a older friend managing a construction site. Concerning accessibility in Russia :

1.Each building has motorable road leading to their entrances.

2.Most buildings entrances are at ground level otherwise a ram is added in addition to staircase.

3 .Each building taller than 5 storeys must have lift.

4.A communication system is installed at each entrance , with speaker, microphone and atimes a camera . These is to make communication easier for people with special needs.

5 .There are other features put in place like wheelchair lift, cross light with sound system , special exercise ground etc.

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