Casino of Marino was built in 1760, a hunting lodge on the grounds of The Charlemount House Estate. The Large Home is gone and this building is all that remains. It was inherited by, James Caulfield ( 1728 - 1799 ) the first Earl of Charlemount. It was built in the Neo- Classic style. Caufield was a major patron of the arts.and spent 9 years on a grand tour of Europe which was unusual for that time. His travels brought him to Asia and on his return he demonstrated his love for classical architecture and commissioned this casino as a pleasure house to entertain his friends visiting the estate. William Chambers was the architect. When I went down last weekend I could not go inside as it was having repair work done but I have been there before and it is bigger then it looks, inside there is lovely architect and paintings, piano room, old games room, a study and bedroom, quite small rooms but lovely. There are tunnels leading below ground where servants would cook meals for visitors. It is strange in 2019 to see the building surrounded by busy roads and traffic. I can walk my dog in the grounds here and I forget all the busy traffic 5 minutes away. In those days the sea ( ocean) was closer and could be seen from the casino but in time some of the sea front was reclaimed, the beach of Dollymount is 15 minute drive from here and 30 minute drive from my home. At night the casino is lit up with changing colours and is lovely to see especially on the upstairs of a bus.
Thanks for sharing this amazing place with us. I was impressed about the story of it. Do you think they are going to open the casino again after the reconditioning?
Thank you @Petra_M Oh yes they will open again, In Summer there are guided tours and people have picnics on the Lawn. So this time of year its not so busy for tours but you can walk there any time. It is owned now by Dublin City Council, a public sector. The tunnels leading to the underground are old and need checking. The art work on the floor and ceiling is very delicate, when it reopens I can take photos if I’m allowed of the inside. I was inside a few years ago but forgot my camera that day. I wasn’t a local guide then
I`m glad to hear that it could be visited any time. I personally love old buildings with history. You can literally feel the soul of the building and the atmosphere takes you back in time.
I would recommend to have a party which reminds to the 19th century. People would enjoy to dress up and act like in the old times.
Yes @Petra_M That would be a great idea or probably 18th century as it was built in 1760 . Actually now I remember that my sister went to a place in Ireland for a party in a big estate home with some women for a hens party ( before a woman gets married) for her friend’s daughter. Its called, The Downtown Abbey experience ( an English TV programme set in the 19th century) Some women dressed in costumes from the wealthy women and some in costumes of the servants. They cooked meals and did chores like in the 19th century. The house is beautiful 19th century design. The people who own this large stately home knew it needed lots of repairs but it would cost much money so they came up with the idea of having 19th century experience parties, birthday, hens parties etc and now they make a lot of money. I must go there some time, I just remembered it when you mentioned the party idea. I love History also
Hi @davidhyno Thank you. I have photos from the internet of inside but I don’t think I can put them here. I took the outside photos of Casino of Marino myself. Anyway when tours start again, I can take photos again🙂
Thanks for sharing the interesting history of Casino Marino. It’s impressive that it was built in 1760 as a hunting lodge and remains as the only surviving structure of the Charlemount House Estate. James Caulfield, the first Earl of Charlemount, had a real passion for the arts and commissioned this casino after his grand tour of Europe. The architecture and paintings inside, along with the piano room, old games room, study, and bedroom, create a lovely atmosphere. It’s a shame you couldn’t go inside this time due to repairs. By the way, if you’re into casino games, you should check out online baccarat at บาคาร่าออนไลน์. It’s a popular game you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Have fun and good luck!