Can't add a video from my android phone!

I am trying to add a video to an amusement park in Syria from my android gallery app. But each time i share the video and choose “add to maps”, it just opens the app as usual and can’t add the video.

I’ve tried the same after activating a proxy but nothing has changed. Also i’ve tried to add the video from the web but i couldn’t find add a video option as well. I wish if someone could help me fixing this problem and thanks!



Have you tried going to the place on Google Maps and from there Add photo?



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Yes i’ve tried. And i could add a photo but not a video!

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It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply.

I have never before heard about this issue except on iPhone. Please, try Clear cache & cookies, if you have not already done so. The link has step-by-step instructions for Android, IOS, and Desktop. Just select the relevant tab at the top.

Also, please log out of your Local Guides account and log back in, and update your Google Maps app if necessary.

Best of luck

If this does not help we need help from @ErmesT .


Thanks for the tag, @MortenCopenhagen

Hi @Marwan_Al-Morie , the procedure for adding photos and videos is exactly the same, as explained in Add, remove, or share photos and videos

Some more insight can be found in the GMB help:

  • Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
  • File size: Up to 75 MB
  • Resolution: 720p or higher

In addition, looks like the file should be MP4, so if your mobile is saving the videos with a different extension, the video may not be recognized. In this case, try to use an App to convert your video to MP4


Hi @Marwan_Al-Morie !

I am stepping up to @ErmesT and @MortenCopenhagen 's answers.

I noticed that you want to post something from Syria, and according to what is reported here your country is in some sort of unsupported country as of January 29, 2021 Google Maps Platform Prohibited Territories .
I don’t know if these limitations are also applicable to the contributions of LocalGuides, question to ask directly to a Googler like @DeniGu .

If, on the other hand, if you have no limitations on Maps then I would advise you first to check if there is an update for Maps and after to clear the cache of the Google Maps app by following these indications: Clear the app’s cache & data

We are therefore waiting for DeniGu’s response (I am also very curious about the size of the limitations).

Ps: from desktop it’ s not possible to add video on Google Maps!



Are you sure @davidhyno ?

I’ve just added one video from desktop. The video was stored on Google photos

Here the step by step procedure

I want to add that the quality of the video dropped down a lot, so I will remove it, but you can see the video on My profile just now



Okay am sorry for the mention issue :joy: but i didn’t enter the community for a while :broken_heart:

I’ve cleared the cache and data for my Maps app, and i’ve updated it to the last version… but unfortunately, it doesn’t work :sweat:

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It’s an mp4 file… about 2 megabites, 9 sec… i don’t know how to see the resolution…

Here’s a link to show what am facing exactly

Yes, you are right @ErmesT !

Some time ago I remembered that in addition to “Photos” there was also the wording “Video” in the upload pages. But now that last word is not even mentioned and I thought that they taken away that possibility!

The fact is that I always use my smartphone to upload photos and videos anyway, a matter of habit.

Good to know anyway! Thanks again Ermes!




@davidhyno thanks!

I updated the app and cleared the cache and data but even though it doesn’t work!

I know that there’s some restrictions to the country where am trying to add a video to but i am using a proxy to pass this problem and i’ve tried to add a video for a place in paris from my mobile and it didn’t work as well!

What to do i don’t know?! :sleepy:


I’m almost out of ideas, @Marwan_Al-Morie .

In your video you are sharing the video from another app to Google Maps. You can eliminate potential problems related to the interface between those two apps by uploading from the places page instead. Also I would test if moving the video out of the restored folder could solve it. These are wild guesses, so I would be surprised if they help. But just in case.




Thanks, @Marwan_Al-Morie

have you tried the procedure shared by me? Starting from Google Maps


@ErmesT you mean from desktop right?.. yes i’ve tried and it didn’t work

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@MortenCopenhagen thanks!

I’ve copied the video to a new album and retried to add it from another app “Photos” which is from google but it still not working…

@ErmesT Also i’ve tried to add it from desktop but when i click “add a photo” only photos appear but not videos! Moreover, i’ve tried to open the camera and record a new video to add from the same window, but only the capture button works while the recording one is faded…

Is it clear or shall i record a screen video to be more clear?

@davidhyno I hope if @DeniGu can help us to solve this problem :pray: .


Hi @Marwan_Al-Morie !

I have doubts that even that VPN software you are using either does not work well or that, if it were a free version, it is limited in use.

So let’s wait for the updates of Denitsa (DeniGu)!



When I try from desktop, I do a preliminary step, @Marwan_Al-Morie

I label the video in Google Photo.

After that, in Google Maps from desktop I select add photo from “your photos” and on the search field I type the name of the label.

This because the adding photos pop-up only show a limited number of photos/videos