anyone please help me with making a blue line using google street view… I use an iPhone X and an Insta360 one x2 and have been trying to upload to google street view for months but no luck……
you can’t in iPhone mobile it not supported
you can in android mobile
I think
in iPhone mobile you can take 360 pictures
Thank you so much for replying… it’s really disappointing to know that iPhone is not supposed…
Hi @Myname
To cannot create a blue line with the street view App by uploading 360 photos. This is not related to the device you are using, @Khaleduser , but by the simple fact that the Auto connection between 360 photos is no longer active in the Street View App.
To create a blue line there are 3 ways:
- For devices that are fully compatible with the Street View app, by capturing in Video mode. As a reference you can read Tips for capturing 360 videos for Street View
- For devices that are ARCore compatible, by creating a Photo Path with your phone. For more details: Capture & publish a Photo Path with your phone
- Using a third party software to connect and upload your 360 photos
Regarding the camera you are using, please check Set up & connect 360 cameras . In the article you will find the links to Learn how to publish content to Street View with the Insta360 ONE and to Contact Insta360 for support
In addition, as you uploaded already near 50 photos in Maps, I want to inform you that, while you are more than welcome to contribute (I love to upload 360 photos too) “As of July 19, 2021, new enrollments into the Street View trusted program are put on hold. At this time, we do not award the trusted badge to new contributors who’ve reached the minimum number of photos for membership, and do not list new professionals on the for-hire index.” For more detail, you can read Questions about Street View? Read this first
Hi @Myname ,
I am glad to see you received a good answer from our @ErmesT ! I wanted to let you know that I am marking his comment as a solution so it can be beneficial for other members with the same question. You can read more about the topic in the following post: How do I mark comments as solutions?
I also moved your post to the How-tos section, which seems to be the most appropriate board for this type of content. You can take a look at Your guide to Connect to know more about the forum and its topics.
Thank for the info
You can follow my tutorial with insta360 one X2.
I used Dean Zwikel tool to upload 360 video in mp4 format with gps data file.
I have uploaded many many videos before to street view for it to make a blue line… the blue line appears but the arrow marks are not working.,.,., please help
Hi @Myname
Happy that you are now able to create a Blue Line.
The arrows may take a week to appear. When did you uploaded your video?
Can you please add a link to one of the 360 in the blue line, for us to check?
i uploaded exactly 10 days ago, but I think I should wait a little while more because they are about 3 miles each video
Hi @Myname ,
Thanks for reaching out.
As mentioned here it may take some time for processing to complete.
Please note that I am going to relabel your post to the How-tos section of Connect as this is where you may ask questions, share tips and feedback.
Thanks for the link, @Myname
Looks like your issue is different. The connections in your photos is are already available, as you can see in the screenshot here below, but rotated of 80 degrees.
This seems to be an issue with the gyroscope of your camera, so I think you should contact the technical assistance of the camera producer.
In any case I am asking @MashaPS to submit the issue to the Street View team too
Thank u for the suggestion,.,. I will reset the gyroscope settings in my camera thank uuu
You are welcome, @Myname
I would like however to add an additional note.
Please be aware that photos taken at Street Level (Street View) should not be linked to a Listing in Maps.
I know that taking them needs a big effort, but it is something that we do for helping others
I didn’t understand what u meant by “””“Please be aware that photos taken at Street Level (Street View) should not be linked to a Listing in Maps.”””
I didn’t know that we could even add a map listing to the street view
Well, that’s weird, @Myname
This is how normally street view appear, with the name of the area in the top left corner
This is how it appear in your case, with the name of the business in the corner. This usually happen only you associate the 360 to a Business listing and you connect the photos with a third party software, like in a Virtual Tour
Oh like that?
I believe the businesses tags only work from the official google street view cars(google does it)
and also the street view in my local area is not from google and is from other fellow local guides and I have noticed that they too don’t have these tags…
Oh yea, the place’s name is “Wipro circle” and it had come automatically….
that company has the building nearby….,(the road name is that)
Auto connect still not working even after 20 ish days, no arrow marks
i have published in the past, but suddenly now it seams to not be working properly, some pls help
Since November 2020 the support of Street View Trusted photographers is no longer active on the Local Guides Connect. You can visit the new Street View Trusted help center, where you will receive appropriate guidance from Street view moderators. @Myname