Can I help to improve maps

Aloha - New to this as some may know -

Honestly I am not interested in the Meetups and Fame (Sickly and COVID meetups don’t mix)

I am really trying to add the places I have been to the maps to help others or in some cases show the state of the world and our OCEANS

  • I am avid Scuba Diver that has spent more than 3 1/2 year of my life under water at Dive Sites around the world.

  • I would love to use this platform to help google improve how the WORLD’s People see the world - and to show People Palaces that they might want to go or for them to dream about where they could go.

(- Knowing the world and the possibility that Google might beat out Apple and Facebook on the VR run or maybe just maybe they have already done it and don’t even know that they have done it in a 2D platform as I use Google maps to virtually walk a place before I go
(This is why I try in my posts to get the STREET VIEW as much as I can)

I use google maps to go to a street and click the forward button to walk the street to see the places I have been and if they are even in Google’s Database - The problem is I see so many places that are on the Street View yet they are not a place on the map (Like my addition of Jessica’s place in Cab Cab, Negros, Philippines … an amazing woman who is struggling through covid and Google did not even have her on the map! She did not know that Google maps was a thing … I added her and now people can see her shl)

  • I wish that there was a way to connect Google Photos to Google Maps and (as Google and YOUTUBE are together) why can we not go to a photo in our maps and have the option to ADD this place to the Map and give it a Description … Not have to go to the maps and add the place and then SCROLL endlessly through the THOUSANDS of photos I take to find the photo - (Meanwhile having internet in Central Florida that is like a third world … The process is far to slow and I give up before I get started or have to make multiple files to get the job done … )

So if I can do anything to help google and the Maps and connect and what ever I would like to offer that one suggestion - Level 9 for what I ask - Do not want Fame - Do not want money Just want to help.

Another Why? - I not add a place in the OCEAN - and then show the Beauty of the Sea with being a professional Photographer for PADI, I can show countless photos of each dive site I have been to over the years - some of how it was and how it is now … and how HUMANs are changing the face of the planet - Awareness is KEY but - No Skuba TAB - you can see I have about 10k photos added to maps but this is the TIP of the iceberg - If I could add Dive sites to the Map I can also Promote more Businesses as well as the OCEAN a place that is unknown to most - Tell me how to Suggest to GOOGLE to add this option because I think it is IMPORTANT for us to see the OCEAN and see what you are eating before you eat it to know that you may be having your last dish of - let’s say TUNA - and how amazing the ocean is and how less amazing it woudl be without TUNA - or how a Octopus has the intelligence of a 6 year old and the ability to figure out problems humans yet to think about… things we need to know - then we eat them
I myself was guilty of this until I knew … but Knowing this and places under the sea are just as important as the Roads we drive on …

Now - Last but not least can google add a Caution Button or Red advisory line under the tittle - Places that google Suggest by putting in the Search bar - “Find the closest beach to me” (Being a Hawaiian Local) - someone in Hawaii Kai will ask this and it will take them to a beach like SANDY’s or China Wall in Hawaii Kai, Hawaii - Both these beaches are not a place to send someone who dont know the dangers of these beaches - Google Just sends them there and then possible DEATH as both places are highly rated and yes they are amazing but - NOT for someone who dont know that they both can suck you out to sea to never be seen again - and Google sent them there - what if they went alone and Nobody ever knows what happened to them - I wanted to warn people but because of the bad internet I could not Scroll my phone back to the photo to show the danger without finding the photo and just giving up …

SO if I can help I want to help in this way - I do not want to MEET UP in the Time Of COVID - I want to show people places they can go safely and if it is not safe be able to RELAY the Danger or Advise without it getting lost in the comments -

Sorry this is one big run on sentence - I have Dyslexia and Lucky to Type things out and the computer and GOOGLE have Changed my Life and written communication - But still I am horrible at making grammar proper - but I can still help.

SO - The Link for Google Photos to Google Maps
Add an ADVISORY Tab to the list of Photos, Videos, Reviews and what not - Just a tab that give real advisory as someone that reads only the 5 star review would never know that a Beach or Place is dangerous as both beach mentions it is not so obvious when google says to go there.

I hope that this message makes it to someone who can make something like this happen it will help me give better details of places and I am sure all you “Local Advisors” could get behind me on this. (Me one of apparently on a google search I am out of 740 or so level 9 advisors around the world it must mean something to at least help.)

Sorry such a long post - Not sure I will do much more connect post as I do not feel I am cut out for it as I am not the scholar that one might need to play on the Connect here … it actually makes me feel stupid … I was going along fine with the goal of making it to level 10 but now know that that is just a thing to get us to post more … Its ok … with no reward … My reward is to share the places I go - the people I meet and show the WORLD we are all NUMAN not a RACE or a COLOR or defined by a BORDER … I am american and I am ashamed of the USA - The people of the USA could do more to do more for the world … I see that every time I leave this country anyways. I love to see that more of this connect are people from 3rd worlds they get to see that NO ONE MAN (OR WOMAN trans or Orientation) is better than another HUMAN on this PLANET.

We need to Grow the World in love by 2% more than we need to Grow the worlds weapons supply by 2% - This world in that way makes me sick in this aspect.

Hope this message find everyone ok … my heart goes out to everyone who is IN PAIN I know pain!!

OH - I forgot about a TAB for the Handicapped to push to see if it is a place they can even go - (Myself with Fibromyalgia I do not let my Disability stop me from seeing the world) - I chance everything to find out it is a place that I should have been more prepared to go … if maps could help me with maybe a tab for this it would help others too …

I am a VERBAL Idea Generator not Written - I would love to help but I am lost with people trying to become FAMOUS or Popular.

Many Mahalos and much ALOHA


Support for this long run on attempt to help:

Google Maps Gives almost 4.7 star for a beach :one can get excited and go to, without warning them of the dangers of that beach.

When google maps send you there you to there and a quick look at the place it says to go that is close you see quickly:

Actual: REVIEW: From someone who posted a review - if you do not look for this review you will never see it as it is lost in all the how amazing this place is (and again I say it is an amazing place but for locals who know - Not the Stranger to the Island who don’t know NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON A WAVE!!!

This is an actual Video I took of this place while I lived at 19 Hanapepe Pl, Honolulu, Hawaii.



Hi @Thaddieous

Please don’t clump so many questions into one post. It makes it very difficult for others to find the answers if they have similar questions.

I will address one of your concerns. Google Maps and Google Photos are already linked pretty closely. You can not create new places from Google Photos. But you can share one or more photos to an existing place directly from Google Photos to Maps. And the place will proposed. That is the way I add most of my photos because it is faster than other methods.

Before adding new places, we should always do a text search first to make sure it is not already on the Map.



Thanks Morton - as I said in this “form” or whatever this is - Likely sure this might be my last post so wanted to throw it out there some things that might be able to help google help … ME - and others make maps and uploading photos more efficient … as it is hard to Scroll Thousands of photos to get to a photo I want to post - I use an APPLE and Android but Apple has better Photo capability and the compatibility is OK with Apple to Google but APPLE SUCKS - for this fort of GOOGLE business …

I am sorry once again I do not think this is my form as I am Dyslexic and tend to roll on … I am sure you do not look at your response to these as I think I have mentioned this to YOU once before - and now the same “COPY and PASTE” message about my “TOPPIC” so sorry to get involved with this Connect thing as I have said before I feel this Connect makes feel like a fool or STUPID … for having Disability - I just want to help people but if my help is not so HELPFUL then why bother - I like using maps and I will continue giving google all I have - But this connect everyone is so serious or trying to become an INFLUENCER it seems … as I said I am not looking for any of this … Just want to help but feel yelled at … Thanks for that …

ALOHA - no need to do this as like i said feel punished by messages of what I should and should not do… it degrading and no need to part of that.

But thanks for helping me - being BLUNT and giving me the same info over and over again. Thanks for make me feel shit by not having something original to share with me - just telling me not to post so much so I post no more after this … make this thing stop sending me messages and filling my email box … with Help that is not so helpful.

DONE - I Quit this …