Im a local guide with 1700 points,can i get any compliment?
YnoNo never
@Joyi_mk welcome to Local Guides.
The main reward is helping other people with your reviews, edits and photos in the same way that you are helped by the same from other people. Being a Local Guide is an altruistic undertaking. Of course it strengthens the data held by Google and makes Maps a better product but that is still an advantage for the people who use the product. That said there are perks from time to time.
Make sure that in your Local Guides notifications that you have emails turned on visit and tick the “Perks box”
@nishant4 that isn’t true - plenty of people enjoy perks
Regards Paul
Accourding to you people are enjoying preks but not me I am contributing in map since 3years and currently I am at 7 level with 6,460 point but I am not getting any useful preks only getting useless mail . Who are getting I don’t no but I am not getting any single item , all have got socks also but I got only confirmation mail that I will receive by 2or3 week but I am waiting since three months , so don’t say that every one is enjoying , they just fuled me in every expects . Yes it true that we lG not for preks we are here for exploring and helping peoples but everything has limits in which you gone beyond for me . Before saying any thing just focus that may people are not getting profit that’s way they are complaining . And plz not ful any other new guide what I said that is 100’/. Correct . You are moderator If you could help me it will be good for me
Hi @nishant4 if you got a confirmation email then the socks were sent. Not all postal systems are equal there have been reports of postal theft from some communities.
I’m sad that you feel the way that you do. It’s ok to give the feedback that you have, I can understand that you’re disappointed but take care on the wording and remember the Core Values of Connect. You’ll be more likely to get help if you’re being polite and positive.
The Googlers read all posts on Connect so they will have seen your request.
Regards Paul
I am a local Google map guide.Will I get any gift from Google. If Yes. When i will get reward ?
Hello @Nibir and welcome to Connect. Thank you for reaching out to us.
Please note Local Guides is a global community of explorers sharing their discoveries on Google Maps. You can help others find the best spots in town, make new friends, and unlock exclusive benefits along the way.
Sometimes, there are perks available and it will vary from time to time and from region to region. It depends on who the Google partners are. There may also be special and/or early access to Google features. You can read more about it on this article: Get recognized.
With contributions, we earn virtual badges in the Google Maps app. You can view your badges by going to Google Maps, menu, Your Contributions.
Regarding gifts, Local Guides is a voluntary program with no financial reward. However, once a while, there could be small perks provided to help motivate contributors. Sometimes perks could be announced in LG Connect, so stay active here. And sometimes announced through email.
To set email notification for perks, contributions, product updates etc, head to
I hope that this information will help you!
After youtube have sent out a bunch of google nest minis as gifts for some accounts and premiums members. Google could reward but mostly dont. I began usinf this as warning system but have found the value in also making positive reviews. Now, i am understanding the purpose and value… the keepers of shops are the ones who reward me. I just had a free watermelon slice cake. The famous instgramed one. Check it out for its poped up in melbourne
Hi ! Dear .I’m subhasish dey . You can gets gift for Google but please reach in your lable . Any confusion or any program .you can started mail us - subhasishdeytolly53
I am level 9 Guider with 60,000 points
Can I get any gift
I am local guide.i am on 6level.i have 2619 point.i get massage yesterday from Google local guide,gift is comes in 3-6week.i am feeling very happy
Yes. Google Gift many thing like the Google nest mini and similar google products. I don’t try very hard and have recieved a speaker and gps tile tracker… I doubt you will gain much in gifts unless your level 6 or 7. Ive crossed level 8 many times… somehow i keep ending up back at 7.9… Karma just opened 8 new stores on my block. Level, here i come. AGAIN, LOL.
Only 10% chance after level 6