Business Guide

Is there anyone in this forum, who is a part of the newly launched Google My Business Provider Program. If yes, please, comment below, you are the only person who can guide me and help me through the best way! I am waiting for your comment.


Hello @Pratik_pk

The local guides program is a voluntary activity and can not have a presence on the GMB program.

You will not find any person on this forum with a dual identity.

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Hola @Pratik_pk lo invito a acceder a la pagina donde tratan temas de My Business, en ella podrá encontrar todas las respuesta que esta buscando :slightly_smiling_face:

Saludos Farid

For the case that has difficulty, in reading my answer, in the upper right part of the screen, in the drop-down menu of languages, you can select the language, in which you want to read the post.