Brisbane, the city of sunsets

It’s been a year since I’ve been staying in Brisbane and I can vouch that it has the most beautiful sunsets in the world.

Somehow, at around the time of sunset, the clouds gather around the sun like a cozy blanket, causing the rays to scatter and tint the sky.

Every sunset here is different and beautiful in it’s own way. I love to sometimes go to a riverside park and just sit on the bench, waiting for the sunset because I feel, the wait makes it more beautiful.

These pictures are from the West End Riverside Park where I once ended up on my way back from the library to my house.

The thought was to sit in natural light around some dogs and birds and get a much needed break from the city life.

I feel that evening, one of the scattered rays of sun touched my heart and tinted it in it’s happy colors. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Sejal45067 a beautiful city of Australia, I heard.

It is, one of the most beautiful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Sejal45067,

very welcome here on Connect! Very beautiful photos, you are so right as I had the same feeling when I have been in Brisbane … the city of the sun :sunglasses: .

Here a collection of different moments of the sunset I’ve captured on my last visit … so relaxed atmosphere ?.


The pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with me :slightly_smiling_face:


@Sejal45067 Hello, the sunsets are indeed gorgeous in such site and really like the description and narrative of your post. Well done! Thanks for sharing!

More than welcome @Sejal45067 :blush: .

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Looking forward to more post from Australia :grinning: .

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Beautiful, thank you for sharing @Sejal45067 !

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Beutiful scenary. a beutifull place to enjoy the day. Nice photos.

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Memang indah,apalagi indonesia

Thank you @RamsesMorales :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh I am so sorry @LuigiZ

My bad! I am still figuring this platform out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: @Lope @Tinoessoe @_iwrotethesky