Hi there,
I’ve encountered some difficulties while trying to add specific types of locations to Google Maps, such as water sources (springs) and crosses (pilgrimage sites, rest spots, etc.), but my submissions have consistently been rejected. Could someone guide me on how to submit these types of places correctly?
Additionally, once a submission is rejected, is there a way to edit or at least delete it to prevent it from interfering with further updates? Is there also a way to organize the submissions into categories like ‘Rejected’, ‘Accepted’, and others?
Thanks for your help!
Hi @Orxion
Let me try to help you, even though you may not like my guidance.
Google Maps aims to help people find places of interest. Not all places should and can be added to Google Maps. Please read: https://support.google.com/local-guides/answer/2642650
Also, the category list is how Google lets us know what places we can and can not add to Maps. Some places are not “important” enough to be entitled to a pin. In my opinion, the Cross shown in your photo is not a pilgrimage site or a rest spot. Creative use of the categories will - if approved - be taken down sooner or later. Places need to have some significance or importance to a lot of people. Rest areas are typically found along highways with toilets, a cafeteria, benches to eat your picnic, plenty of parking etc.
With insignificant places on Maps, the usability is reduced. So I think it is helpful that Google will not add all places. So my advice will be to add more popular and busy places of importance to many people.
It is not possible to sort your edits. This has been suggested repeatedly - so far to no avail.
There are no tools available to Local Guides to protect pins from future edits and removal.
Water sources are not something we volunteers can add as they are geographical features like lakes, rail roads. Only Google Staff can add such features = places.
All the best
Hola @Orxion , jo mateix he introduït moltes creus de terme de la meva zona com a “llocs d’interès històric”. En aquest cas discrepo una mica amb en @MortenCopenhagen , en aquest cas concret les creus de terme delimiten antics termes, a la foto puc observar un parell de fites que reforcen la meva teoria. Si bé és cert que per Google Maps és important el que es coneix com a contaminació del mapa i per aquest motiu no tot s’hi val, ben segur que en el futur la creu continuarà en el seu lloc, reclamant la importància que té, i molts negocis que aparentment ara tenen molta importància, desapareixeran. Una de les coses més boniques que té editar el mapa de Google Maps és buscar la manera de reivindicar els llocs que nosaltres entenem com imprescindibles, encara que aquest desapareguin, molts tenen el seu èxit, i és per aquest motiu que sempre hem de mirar, dins d’una línia raonable i de respecte a l’eina que estem utilitzant, d’aportar de manera positiva els llocs que creem, en pro d’un futur millor. No deixis de provar, al final aconseguiràs les teves fites. Entre tots farem un mapa genial. Per cert, on és aquesta creu? i quina història té?
Thx .)
well here is some general info by google translate - LINK
I am not familiar with the history of that particular location, but our paths (whether current or former) are lined with hundreds of crosses, crucifixes, chapels, and shrines. Often, the significance of these stops is forgotten, but they usually commemorate some important, sad, or tragic event.
Personally, I believe that Google Maps should not only be used to get from point A to point B, but also as a source of inspiration, a way to explore and discover new places, to learn something (perhaps from reviews), and simply to be aware that such places exist on the map. This includes things like a tourist shelter in the forest or a spring where we can refresh ourselves. I definitely don’t think that such information is superfluous… Thank you for the kind and inspiring words, and have a great day 
@@@@@Orxion: I think you are confusing a social network with a map. Okay, google is stimulating this confusion, but a map is meant for showing important locations and a map maker must select the ones that are important. For me, a certain tree can be important, because it’s the point where I cross the street (I know this is an absurd example) but that tree can be cut down after a year. So, for a neutral map maker, this tree is less important than for me and I should follow the rules of the neutral map maker. The info you want to share, belongs in a travel guide, a contribution to the “travel” section on localguidesconnect.com but possibly not on Google maps. You for sure can indicate the most important memorials, chappels, … but springs can’t be indicated by us =local guides (as @MortenCopenhagen says, they are geographical elements). There’s also another issue with forgotten chappels etc. : you need exact info: street names, city names etc. if this chappel is situated in the middle of the woods with no name of street available, how can you expect a map maker to find the correct location? There’s a way to indicate this forgotten chappel in the woods: write a review about that specific wood and mention this chappel in the review, or provide a text on localguidesconnect about your trip to that wood and tell us about that chappel. That’s the only suggestions I can provide to you, I’m afraid.
Hi, thx, I got that … perhaps I should add that these “crosses” or “old chapels” are just like that tree of yours, but older … they are always by the road or at the crossing … but as your tree got cut, these old roads are sometimes replaced by fields, etc … but I don’t use the “lost” ones, that are in the middle of the nowhere. Another thing is that these places are often (80%+) accompanied by old trees, which means that you can use their shadows during hot weather
As for springs, I don’t think I need to add much - about 60% of our bodies are just water, so we need it. What better place to replenish the lost water than going for the source?
I like spending time outdoors, and when I plan, I always look for some extra sources that I can use.