This is a big and helpful tool that helps us a lot to find the best scenarios to live our experiences. If we are spending just few days in a town we don’t have the time (and the money) to try all of them and to choose the one we like the most to spend few hours of our time in a new city, being a privilege to have chose the place and write a good review if you liked for future visitors.
That’s why I like to recommend original spots. When you can’t expect one place and it surprise you, with the food, the environment, even the price is cheaper than you thought…
Personally, I love recommending a place which i fell in love in years ago, and I always go there if I’m living any special occasion (maybe every weekends). If I see any tourist who asks for recommendations of places, I always recommend this place, located in a best area for me in Valencia: Ruzafa.
First of all… and what is making this place so original to me is the atmosphere, the feeling I have when I go inside and I see it full of people sharing tables, laughing, playing the guitar, eating and kissing. Diversity around every corner, you can see from kids playing and running around to first tinder dates. Genuine and magical, full of people that dont care about appearance and they are just there to have a great time, with some company and some food. The vibe just come with it.
Then, we have the food. Small delicious pizzas are the best sellers here. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to think what do you want for dinner… It s not time for that, it’s time to enjoy the moment. What about some pizzas and some beer? Also a bottle of wine is a good choice. Who doesn’t like that? In this place you don’t choose, they just give you different types of pizza, for sure you are gonna love them, but if you dont, they will change it for other other one. You also can ask without veggies or fish, but I think I tasted them all and all of them are fantastic. This is a good way to be original and efficient at the same time and I love it.
If you have the chance to spend at least one night in Valencia, don’t hesitate in visit this place. You would love it as I do and it will give you the opportunity to recommend it also in this platform to all your friends.
And I happy to do that, share what I like the most so others can enjoy as well.
Do you want to know which one is it…?
La Finestra - Ruzafa, Valencia, Spain.