Beautiful Lala khal Sylhet, Bangladesh

Lalakhal,which is another top tourist attraction in Jaintapur Upazilla, is covered with hills, natural forests, tea gardens, and rivers under the Jainta Hill which comprises part of the Meghalaya Ranges of India. Flowing from the Indian part, the river Myntdu enters Lalakhal as the Saree and meets the river Guaiyan after passing Sarighat. Over a stretch of nearly 12 km of the river from Lalakhal to Sarighat, the colour of the water stays transparent green in winter (as well as in other seasons when it does not rain) due to the minerals flowing with water and the sandy river bed. A tourist can experience green water river, Range of mountain and Tea Garden- at once in Lalakhal. At the eastern bank of river Saree, there is the ‘Lalakhal Tea Garden’. A tourist can experience green water river, Range of mountain and Tea Garden- at once in Lalakhal.


Hello @Jasimuddin ,

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us, the area seems very peaceful and relaxing!

Is this your first visit there? Are there any activities that could be done near the river, apart of having a tour with the ferry?

@BorrisS Thanks for your Comment. Yes, it was my First visit in this place. Also there have a tea garden and a tea factory near the River…