BATU ART FLOWER CARNIVAL, Annual Agenda to Commemorate Anniversary

Thanks @Ewaade_3A The guitar is made of red rose, the fish is made of styrofoam and daisies & marygold. I helped organize the participants from my village and took some photos with my cellphone camera. There are huts made of hydrangea flowers too

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Iya Mbak @Yuni83A , kota kita memang keren :grinning: terimakasih, foto-fotonya bagus. :+1:

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Hi mbak moes**…**

Sayang sekali kita tidak bertemu yha . Kebetulan saya juga melihat acara tersebut , tetapi tidak sampai selesai di karenakan hujan sudah mulai turun .

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Wah… Aku juga gak sampai selesai Mbak @Dewiaris , aku ikut pulang bareng rombongan kampungku :grinning:

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This is stunning and you organized people from your village?!

Wow! That’s a big deal.

Well done.


Never seen a flower art festival, all thanks to you, I can say I know a little about it

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Looking amazing :star_struck::star_struck:

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Flowers are our livelihood. We make money on it. Besides that, we also make money from vegetables and fruits. In my village there is also a Clean Village festival, similar to the art flower carnival, the difference is that the decorations used are vegetables and fruits which are paraded around the village while praying that our village is clean from evil things, and the people are safe, peaceful and peaceful, that’s why called Clean Village. Is there an event like this in your place too @Ewaade_3A ?



It is possible such exists. But, I have not experienced it. This is very interesting!

Now, I see why they have the rainmakers too, it is a very traditional village…


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Thanks @amanullah83 Best regards to you.

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Espectacular y precioso estoy sin palabras unos colores vivos, lleno de alegría y felicidad

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Semoga segera bisa gabung :blush: :blush:

Keep up the good job :+1: :+1:

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Hai @Moestika .

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photos of Batu Art Flower Carnival.

Its so colorful.

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Beautiful festival to celebrate @Moestika thanks for sharing them with us all here.

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You’re welcome @BudiFXW Batu Flower Carnival is an annual agenda in my city to commemorate anniversaries, I hope you can join next year.


You’re welcome @Sophia_Cambodia This is an annual agenda in my city, hopefully next year many will be able to join.

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