Bakery in Ho Chi Minh

There are many different kinds of cakes at this restaurant in Vietnam,If you have a chance to come here please try this kind of bread


Thank you for sharing a nice spread of bakery items from Ho Chi Minh city.

The photo is wonderfully captured.

Congratulations on posting your first article @BryanBui and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:
Additionally, I would also suggest changing the setting to display the picture in a larger size - that would look awesome.

Also, I invite you to introduce yourself to the local guides community and get to know other local guides by commenting on this post.

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Hello @BryanBui ,

I would like to inform you that I am removing the Vietnamese language tag from your post, since it is written in English. The language tag should reflect the language written of your post. You can learn more about these tags here.