Azerbaijan: the place where East meets West

Last week I visited Azerbaijan. This country is situated on the western part of Caspian sea, south of the border with Russia. Northern part of Azerbaijan is surrounded by Caucasus, and the capital - Baku, located on Absheron peninsula, surrounded by Caspian sea on three sides. Southern part of Azerbaijan borders with Iran.

It wasn’t my first time in this country - I have often been there before, as it’s the birthplace of my father. Unfortunately, I had only 4 days at this time in Azerbaijan - I think, it’s a very short time to explore this wonderful country, and I visited only few places: Baku and southern part of Azerbaijan.


This city is one of the most unusual places where have I ever been. As the capital of the oil producing country, Baku dynamically developing. You can think, that you have studied this city well, but if you’ll come in Baku next year, you can not recognize it, as every year a lot of new parks, buildings and roads are build. Meanwhile, Baku preserves historical heritage and national traditions of Azerbaijan. I like this contrast, when after walking of the streets of Baku, that look like the streets in European cities, I can get to typically eastern district. One of the best places in Baku is Boulevard near the sea cost. It’s stretches for several kilometers along the seashore. Here you can see some exotical plants and a lot of palms - during the grey and gloomy winter it’s good relaxation. In December it’s look like the middle of autumn in Russia. After walking on Boulevard, you can go to Ichery Shaher, or Historical town. Active trade takes place on the narrow streets of this area, and the buildings are still populated. Also there are a lot of restaurants in historical part of Baku, many famous Soviet films were filmed here. You can also visit the gallery of Ali Shamsi - famous Azerbaijani artist and buy one of his paintings.

Lenkaran and Astara districts

Towns of Lenkaran and Astara are located in the southern part of Azerbaijan, near Iranian border. Astara town is divided into two parts by border with Iran. This area is famous for it’s nature: Talysh mountains are come close to Caspian sea and form wet suptropical climate with green forests and a lot of rivers and waterfalls. For last year Lenkaran is actively developing like sea resort. Also, thist part of Azerbaijan is famous for the world longest life span: Shirali Muslimov, who died at the age of 168 years, lived in Talysh mountains. And today there are many peoples, who reached 100 or more years old, living in this area.

Azerbaijani cousine

It’s impossible to imagine Azerbaijan without it’s cousine. If you visit somebody here, you will never be hungry. Lamb cebab, dolma, ayran and bozbash are only a few dishes, that you can enjoy there. Also there are a lot of fruits, that are growths in warm Azerbaijani climate. As for me, my favorite fruit is pomegranate: I like eat it, drink a juice with it. Even you can drink wonderful pomegranate vine in Azerbaijan. Another part of Azerbaijani culture is tea drinking: Azerbaijanis can drink it for several hours! Tea drinking looks like a serious ceremony. My favorite places for drink tea in Azerbaijan are teahouses, or Chaikhanas on the Boulevard in Baku, where you can drink tea with sweet pakhlava - Azerbaijany dessert, which is made by milled clove, cardamon, hazelnut and saffron.

Generally, Azerbaijan can conquer everybody. I think, it’s the country, that necessairy must be visited. As the locals told me, the most interesting places in Azerbaijan are in the northwest of the country: towns of Shaki, Gakh and Gabala, and the best months for visiting are April, May, September and October, when the Sun is bright, wheather is warm but not so hot like in the Summer. I had never been there, despite the fact, that I regullary visit this country: most of all I get there in winter, before and after the New Year, and haven’t enough time to go out of Baku. But I hope I’ll explore new parts of Azerbaijan soon.


Hi @TimurMamedrzaev

Thank you for sharing a little bit about your wonderful culture and history. I am particularly interested in your teas and vegetables. Were those egg plants in the picture? And can you explain a little more about how tea culture evolved in your country?


@user_not_found , hello!

Thanks for your feedback. What about eggplants - it’s one of Azerbaijani food, whitch I ate, but unfortunatelly, I didn’t remember it’s name as there are a lot of exotical and tasty dishes, I remember only a some, that I described here. That’s only I know - all vegetables and fruits that I ate in Azerbaijan are naturally grown. Really I never lived in Azerbaijan, as I’ve lived all my life in Russia, and in Azerbaijan I only visit relatives and friends.

Tea culture of Azerbaijan has so long history, like English tea culture, but for a several years, in Azerbaijan tea ceremonies were actual only for men. Tea producion of Azerbaijan not so ancient: first tea plants in Azerbaijan appeared in XIX century. Azerbaijanis believe, that hot tea can make it easier to stay in the heat during the summertime.


Hello @TimurMamedrzaev ,

Thank you for this fantastic post! It’s very rare to see here a post about this interesting country. I really enjoyed reading it and looking at the beautiful photos. Lenkaran and Astara districts offer amazing views!

How were the temperatures there? It looks like the weather was very nice. Is it usually like this in the winter?


@RadieN , hello, it’s very interesting question about the weather in Azerbaijan in winter. Normally weather in Baku in December is between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius during the day and nearby 5 degrees at the night. It’s really big difference between the weather in December and in January and February: two last winter months are much more colder due coastal location (snow is rare, but often falls every year). I enjoyed very good weather for this time: 12-15 degrees Celsius and no strong wind or rain. In Lenkaran winters are warmer little bit than in Baku, but more wet. Astara, despite located only 40 km south from Lenkaran, has much more warm weather during the winter: I thought to swim in the sea, but didn’t take swimming trunks. A few days after my leaving Astara temperature reached +24 degrees Celsius!


I limited myself to just a small entry into a lake near Lenkaran:


Up until now, I have only heard of this country’s weather, never really got a chance to know more about it.

But this extensive article did help me find out what this country is like in practical terms. Do you have some more pictures of the place where Soviet movies have filmed and also the Caspian Sea? @TimurMamedrzaev

Pomegranate wine sounds tempting! I’d love to try that someday.


@ReemaGandhi , most of all Soviet films were filmed in Old town, the most famous are The Diamond Arm and Amphibian Man. This is a photo of restaurant “The Diamond Arm”, where this film was made (you can see heroes of the film).

Unfortunately I took picture of the sea only once, because I rarely get close to it, most of all during the evening and night.


I enjoyed reading your post @TimurMamedrzaev . From your post and photos Azerbaijan looks like an interesting place to visit.


@TimurMamedrzaev how is the percentage of different religion here


Happy New Year @TimurMamedrzaev I am enjoy reading your topic from Japan right now. I did’nt even know the name of this country until now. someday I want to travel to.


@Muhammad_Usman , hello!

In Azerbaijan ~96% are Shia Muslims, also there are a small part of Sunni Muslims, Orthodox and other Christians, Jews. By the Constitution of Azerbaijan, it’s a secular state.


Thanks @TimurMamedrzaev for giving some knowledge to me


Salam @TimurMamedrzaev

Thanks so much you talked about a beautiful country that my father used to be as a high grade engineer for two Ys and half.

He talked to us a lot about Baku and other parts there.

I enjoyed reading this post and looking at the photos you included.

As I am a movie’s watcher , specially those based on true events, I’ve watch that movie about the great soldier in Azerbaijan army who struggled for his country and his beloved Nino . Check it here :point_down:

Ali & Nino

Thanks brother :pray:



@OSAMA_1 ,thanks for your advice about the movie, I’ll see it when it will be possible

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