Are bad reviews lawfull in Mauritius?

There is a new law in Mauritius that states roughly that we are not allowed to post anything that can harm a person in anyway including emotionally.

Maybe I am a little negative but I wonder what could happen if I said a restaurants menu is bad for example & hurt the owner; I think he could sue me for my bad review…

Can anyone clarify please

Here is a link to an article about it


Hi @MVince25 ,

Thanks for reaching out.

As citizens of a particular country we are obliged to follow first their laws. So I would recommend you first to become familiar with this mentioned by you law.

As far as Google Maps and Local Guides Program is concerned, please always be sure to uphold Maps User Contributed Content Policy and Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions.

By the way I’ve relabeled your post. It now appears under How tos topic section.

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Hi @MVince25

there is an important difference between a negative review and a bad review (e.g. “we had to wait 20 minutes” vs “the waiter did not consider us”. The first one is a fact, the second one is an inappropriate consideration about a person). An honest review shoud be respectfull, even if negative, and be supported by facts, not by personal opinions. Prohibited and Restricted Content is the Google Maps guideline for all the content to add in Google Maps.

I added the link because yours doesn’t work for me @MashaPS

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Thanks @ErmesT ,

I absolutely agree with you that it matters which words would you choose when writing a review. But the same goes for everything.

By the way I fixed the link now. Thank you.

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Well , I gave a number of places on Port Louis a bad review on Google Maps , I wasn’t a dog about it , But when a place is filthy and the staff are just nasty , then it warrants a bad review .

Paul watson
cape Town

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