App: Incognito mode placed in poor location when trying to view profile, keep accidentally selecting

From an accessibility and usability point of view, I hope App developers see this.

The incognito mode needs to be placed in a different location. I keep selecting it by accident then having to go back and unselect just to view my profile.

does anyone else have this issue?



Is the problem that Incognito is the at the top if the menu shown when tapping your profile photo?

Where should it be to make more sense? And what would you like to be at the top if the menu?

@KattyGeltmeyer do you have some input here?



Yes exactly. I think if it were just moved above the separator immediately above it would help resolve that and make an easier target for the Profile option.

Basically I think Profile is more important than Incognito and should be the first option. That simple change may mitigate the problem


Hello @4JS

Tag someone with @ when replying and an email will go to them and they can reply quickly.

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@MortenCopenhagen . Please see my reply above Thank you

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  1. @Md_Zobayerul_Islam Thank you for that tip
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Thanks, your proposal is now clear to me.



@MortenCopenhagen : I personally use the maps app only when it’s needed, I mostly use the website for editing on maps etc. I can’t remember I ever found the incognito modus on maps, I know this is available within chrome. But I personally would prefer menus etc. consistent and uniform all over apps. As I’m blind, I lack the total view. I don’t know which issue is @4JS’s accessibility issue. But compare it with switches for lights: if you have to touch every inch of a wall for finding that little button to put on the light (I don’t need light, but sometimes I must find the button for switching it on or off) instead of finding that button when you enter a room on a fixed place … The latter is more easy.

If incognito modus in app 1 is the first option and in another the third, this is not an example of uniformity. Try to be as consistent and as uniform as possible.

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