Ancient lie detector—La Bocca della Verità




Hi @Bonjourtaiwan

It seems you had a great time in my country. Thank you for sharing with us this beautiful picture of “La Bocca della Verità”. Have you tried to put your hand inside the mouth? I did it several times, and nothing happened, but I know that I am not a liar :slight_smile:

What I like more is the Curch, with the beautiful mosaics on the floor, and the view of ancient temples that you have all around the Church.

Do you want to tell us more, about your experience in Rome? I am missing Rome a lot, so I really appreciate all the post about the The Eternal City

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Dear @ErmesT

Taiwan cannot see the Orthodox Church, which is very rare for me.

Of course, in the future, I still have a lot of stories about the Eternal City of Rome to share with everyone.

The Italians gave me a very good impression during the traval in Italy.

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Hello @Bonjourtaiwan ,

This sculpture instantly brought back memories thanks for sharing!

This ancient lie detector was used a lot to scare children in my country back in the day. This was a common way of trying to teach kids not to lie, and to be honest, I was absolutely terrified of the thought of loosing my hand in that mouth.

Luckily I’ve grown and my common sense has kicked in. I actually visited this exact place in May 2018, and I still have both of my hands.

What did you enjoy the most about Rome?

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Dear @MortenSI

Thank you for your comments. Indeed, honest people are not afraid. I love Rome, this is a great city, no matter the past or the future. I like too many things in Rome, and I will share it with you in the future.(^^)

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I feel the same way @Bonjourtaiwan .

I hope you’ll share more great photos in the future, and great photo of St. Peter’s Basilica by the way.

If I’m not completely off, this photo looks like it was taken from behind Castel Sant’Angelo by the river.

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