Address corrections

Kitsap County reassigned many addresses in 2018. As a result, Google Maps is in error, and no one can access my address for GPS using Google maps. My old address was: 5357 E Hillcrest Drive, Port Orchard, WA, 98366. The New address is 2773 Maple Tree road E. I recently found that my site can be located using the address: 2773 Mountain View. The basic problem is that the county essentially named a previously unnamed dirt driveway (shared by at least 5 houses). In a pictorial view, it appears that the “driveway” is a direct extension of Mountain View. However, on the North side of Hillcrest Drive, the newly assigned county road is Maple Tree Road E. Please correct Google Maps and make my life significantly less disturbed.

As a side note, I have talked to many people in kitsap County effected by similar address changes who are having the same problem. Multiple conversation/complaints to the County Roads Department have not led to any action coordinated with Google Maps.

Thank you


Hello @SmartTraveler ,

Idea Exchange is the section of Connect where Local Guides share their ideas toward making Google Maps or the Local Guides program even better. You can read more about it in How do I use the Idea Exchange?

Please note that I have moved your post to the How-tos section, where other Local Guides may be able to help with any issues you’re facing.

In order to correct wrong information regarding roads on Google Maps you’ll need to follow the steps given Report an error on the map.