Achievements Points into Trees

I’m just suggesting if we can convert our points into trees? I hope someone or maybe the owner of this local guides connect will make an event like this. If this event “Converting points into trees”, i will join and I am willing to risk all of my points and i will promise to do more activities to earn points and convert it into trees.

Co-localguides, contribute in Google Map now and every contribution you will contribute is equivalent to trees. So the more you contribute the more trees will be planted.


@JamesJave super idea


Hi @JamesJave ,

Thank you for sharing this idea with us.

Feel free to submit your idea on Idea Exchange board. This is a place on Connect for Local Guides to share their feedback and ideas with our team and to tell us about a way to improve the Local Guides program.

To learn more about the Idea Exchange, you can read How do I use the Idea Exchange? article.

P.S.: Your post was moved to the How-tos board, as this would be helpful to fellow Local Guides searching for similar questions.


Love your proposal @JamesJave

In any case, if we wants to plant trees, we don’t need to wait for Google.

We can simply follow @IlankovanT on his Let’s Map Green! campaign.

Feel free to organize your own Meet-up for Trees plantation. How to organize a successful meet-up will help you

Tagging @KashifMisidia for sharing his experience about trees plantation in Pakistan


Thank you dear @ErmesT for tagging me and consider me as a volunteer of great projects like #cleantheworld and #letsmapsgreen .

Dear @JamesJave , plantation is now need of time, and I m agree with Sir Ermes Toun that for betterment of our environment we shouldn’t wait for anyone. Even if you can plant just one tree, it will be the great contribution for our planet’s environment. We have great role models here on connect like @IlankovanT , Ermes Toun , @DavidTito and many others, who are doing thier great efforts by thier actions and by creating awareness for this great cause.

I hope you will be also our next Environmental Champion.

I m sharing here some of my small efforts which I tried to give something to our our beautiful world.

Let’s Maps Green : Meet The Local Heroes :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :palm_tree: :deciduous_tree:

Let’s clean the Batu Ferrenghi Beach (don’t forget to watch the video by @OmerAli in this recap post)

Keep Contributing , together we can make this world clean, green and Accessibile for everyone.

Shukriya :pray:


@JamesJave interesting idea @KashifMisidia @ErmesT @MoniV @Ashraf_Siddik to see where this goes


Hi I also like this suggestion. It also would be great if Google maps and “google search” would do similar things like or or . @DeniGu : If I could chose for not getting gifts from google but for donating the money that would be spent to those gifts and sending them to me +when my reviews etc. reach a certain amount of views etc. to donations to such projects as I mentioned above, I’m willing to do that. In this way we as users can indicate that we prefer to donate to trees, battle against hunger etc. instead of getting gifts. In this way, we as local guides can improve maps, help the world in different ways etc. by having fun. Thanks in advance for considering. But the basical idea mentioned in this conversation is also a good way of doing this.