A welcome to connect hand

Welcome to connect.Welocome to the new and Improved connect forum..Welcome to the official hub of local guides where we connect. I have written a Welcome to connect card before and I have often given local guides a Welcome to connect card. Now I’m writing this topic as a Welcome to connect hand. It’s a friendly and inviting hand. It’s a hand held out in friendship and love. Hoping that all local guides will feel Welcome and get a good handshake in here.
This welcome to connect hand topic is meant to;

  • Show you around connect
  • Give a brief orientation on connect.
  • Inspire your stay on connect
  • Guide your interactions on connect
  • Help you to love and use connect
  • …and help you to keep connected on connect.
    As local guides,we often get so motivated and excited that we neglect or forget that there are set rules and guidelines to participate as a local guide. There are rules and regulations on The local guides program itself. . There are also rules and regulations regarding Connect as forum. . It is very important to learn to use the forum before starting. It is also important to know the rules of the game before starting to play the game. That will go a long way to avoid embarrassments and difficulties. If we know and follow the rules,it becomes an enjoyable experience.As a user or newuser on connect what do I do or where do I go? Am new here can anyone help me? I need to write a new topic or comment on a topic? The forum is still all new,but I can share a few tips and links to posts that you need to go through to help you operate smoothly. Just click on the links and read through. The first place you want to go is down the bottom on the opening page of connect.

Please click on guidelines. That takes you to a page with community guidelines on it. Please click START TUTORIAL !!! If you click on that you’ll get a;

  1. Welcome to connect
  2. A video from Kristin
  3. How should I use connect
  4. What can I post on connect
  5. Get started !!!
    After going through that tutorials you should be ready to connect as a local guide. Nevertheless I will share a few more necessary and helpful links. Please note that the term post now means Topic on the new and improved connect forum. Therefore How do I write a topic on connect??? Meanwhile we have a range of topics that are acceptable and other topics that are off or not acceptable on connect. Topics related to Google maps and the local guides program. Food and Drinks other local stories that are relevant to us in general. Now to write a topic,you need a heading and then you need to write. To do that you’ll see the create with a little pen, then. New topic and new meet-up. Me topic is the way to go.Now you will be faces with a whole lot other things like tags, category.

Basically we have [four categories ](https://four categories ) and a host of other tags to be chosen from. A Googler wrote here Connect tags and how to use them. . Please try and look up the above link. Its very useful. The four categories are;
Connections and celebrations.
Google maps contributions stories.
Google maps tips and tricks

What more on the forum,seeing it is improved and new,if you’ll like to give some feedback the team. It’s always welcome. Please do so :point_right:t3: Here on this link ! . Feel free to express yourself and air your view. The team will be happy to hear from you. If you have questions and querry about connect, :point_right:t3: This way please and tell us what you have in mind.

There are other miscellaneous topic you might like to read to help navigation on the new connect;
How to write caption on the new connect.

How to create a post on the new connect

Hope you stay on connect
Keep active


Wonderful post, dear @SholaIB :+1:
This will be useful for new local guides and also for moderators to educate others.


@SholaIB que genial post!

This is well thought out @SholaIB and a valuable resource for local guides especially newbies.

Thank you @TusharSuradkar ,

What inspires me to do posts like this is suggesting lots of links to newbies. If there is a post that contains all the links,its easy to read through quickly. Thank you for your comments.

@MrFreez my homeboy,

I always appreciate your comments. Thank you

Thank you @Maximilianozalazar , very kind of you.
Happy guiding