9 Photos clicked within the radius of 900 meter of my House

As a photographer one has to always travel to places and explore new places in order to click more and great photographs. Almost all the budding and established photographers follow this routine, but there are another half of the people who cannot manage to travel so often or travel at all due to several factors like work commitment, health-related issues financial issues or just laziness.

Well for the latter half of people I have a solution. I am the laziest person on the face of Earth so I always look forward to the easiest way out and also cost-efficient ways as I am currently not earning.

So I decided that I will click photographs out my mundane life every day. I follow a path of about 1 kilometre on foot every day from my house to my Class (Coaching Class, I am a Student) and I was amazed by the amount and scope of photographs that I can click locked in this path. Every day is different from the other, new colours, new people and a new mood. Everything you see from your eyes is so beautiful. No city from any part of the world can ever be dull.

A photographer should always keep his eyes and mind open.

It is not mandatory to go to places that are famous and has been explored by several photographers by now. The audience has already seen those places, now it’s time to unleash the content that no one has ever laid eyes on; by this, you will also maintain your own uniqueness in the photographs you click.

Here are the photos that I clicked

  1. I was returning home from class and I saw a Cat resting near the tree so I clicked it. It didn’t even move a bit when I went closer to her. Later while editing the photo I noticed that an idol of SAI BABA (Hindu God) adjacent to the cat is also there.

  2. I also discovered a wonderful garden in my neighbourhood that has ducks!!!

  3. Lot of construction work is being carried out in my neighbourhood and I encountered a new term MINIMALISM from one of the photographers that I follow on other social media medium. I tried minimalism with Tower Crane.

  4. I saw a dilapidated structure in the garden and was determined to do something with it. One day I saw two kids playing in the park, I asked them to climb the structure and made a photo out of it.

  5. Symmetry is also one of the key factors to keep in check while clicking. Notice the skyline trajectory in this picture.

  6. Sweepers and labourers who keep our surroundings and roads clean do their job despite any appreciation so wanted to capture them while doing their selfless job.

  7. We all are fascinated by the movie Transformer (especially the concept), so how could I have resisted myself from clicking this picture of this humble bee.

  8. The huge structures standing idly try to talk if you listen closely.

  9. After looking in every four directions for a photo I had to expand my horizon, so when I looked up I saw this.


Wow beautiful photography @Harfan_maula

Thanks for sharing with us.

You can visit my posts here:

Pink City Jaipur

Heaven Of South India - Final

Heaven of South India 3

Different colour of Nature

Hong kong 2

Honkong 1

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Hey @Harfan_maula as a photographer you ain’t lazy at all !

Your post is motivating.

Thank you

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@Sahilmsk2208 Pleasure is mine. Glad you liked it.

@user_not_found Hahahahah! Happy and motivated to hear that :smiley: