9 Million Views

I received this email from Google this week in regards to a site that I added. Yes it’s a big number and I proud of it, but it got me thinking there are so many ways we can help people from all over the world. It doesn’t just have to be photos or reviews.
You could start taking videos of Points of Interest (POI) or maybe just edit some of the maps. There is a lot of unnecessary, unwanted, wrong stuff on maps.

Maybe you start editing roads, I started last year and I am enjoying it immensely. I have had the opportunity of adding roads in 4 different Continents.
What else can we do? Check out @AdamGT Movers and Shakers leaderboards. This is what actually got me thinking. There are so many different ways we as guides can help people.
There are also lots of local guides that can help you get started.


Congratulations @TerryPG :tada:

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Congratulations :tada: @TerryPG

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Congratulations @TerryPG :clap:t3::tada:

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Wow Congraculations @TerryPG

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You are absolutely correct @TerryPG . There are lot to do with plenty of opportunities provided by Google Maps as a platform to help the community.

Many congratulations :clap::tada: to you on achieving such a big number of views for your added place.


Well done @TerryPG that’s a great contribution and achievement. You are so right, “there are so many ways we can help people from all over the world. It doesn’t just have to be photos or reviews.” Here’s my Edit which I’m sharing even though it doesn’t have 9,000,001 views :wink: :wink:


Congratulations, you deserve it. What you have presented in this field is very wonderful. I am honored to know you.


9 million views for the place you edited, wow, it’s an astronomical number, Congratulations dear friend @TerryPG


Your contributions are very popular on Google maps @TerryPG

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Wowww this is huge @TerryPG congratulations :clap::tada:

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Congratulations @TerryPG

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to @mrinmoiHossain @giteshsharma @NunungAfuah @SarathUpendran @MohammadPalash @MohammadPalash @ahmednafz @AbdullahAM

Thank you for the congrats.


Dear @Kumaarsantosh and @PrasadVR thank both of you for your congrats and a bigger congrats to both of you for also achieving the prestigious Champions movers and shakers badge.


Thanks @AdamGT now we have to have a race to see who crosses the 10 million views first. My money is your edit , it’s much younger.

Ha ha a race with you in it would be so unfair unless it was a handicap race @TerryPG I mean unlike me you’re out there guiding and racking up the contributions and achievements and indicative of this is the fact that you and not me are one of the exclusive 87 bunch of Local Guides to have been awarded the prestigious Champions movers and shakers badge :sob:

“What about me, it isn’t fair
I’ve had enough now I want my share
Can’t you see? I wanna badge”


Congrats on your achievement, Terry,

When you said “There is a lot of unnecessary, unwanted, wrong stuff on maps”, it reminded me of an old post by @JanVanHaver which I stumbled across recently. I’m mentioning it here as it is still valid, and some fresh interest might be a good thing.

[Local Guides Clean The Map (#LGCTM)]

(Local Guides Clean The Map (#LGCTM))


Thank you @tony_b . That post from @JanVanHaver was what got me started on cleaning up the maps. I think its more relevant today with so much unwanted stuff on the maps.


Thank you dear @TerryPG.

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Congratulations! That’s an incredible achievement and something to be proud of! It’s inspiring to see how your contributions are making such a positive impact. You’re absolutely right—there are so many ways to help others through tools like this, from adding videos to improving map data. Keep up the amazing work, and here’s to even more meaningful contributions in the future :tada::+1::clap::sparkler:

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