20-21 April. Holocaust Remembrance Day!

Today is 23 April! I decided to write this post today, not 2 days ago…because its really painfull day. Even i am not a real jew,the pain in my soul its the same. Holocaust Day is day of commemoration for the approximately 6 millions of Jews who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and the Jewish resistance in that period.

In Israel, it is a national memorial day.

Yom HaShoah have different dates…because is set in accordance with the Hebrew calendar, on 27 Nisan.

In this day sirens blare at 10:00 in the morning, as motorists exit their cars and stand in silence 2 minutes of solemn reflection.Everyone stops what they are doing. On the eve of the Yom HaShoah and the day itself,places of public entertainment are closed by the law.

Since 1988 in Poland, a memorial service has been held after a three- kilometer walk by thousands of participants from Auschwitz to Birkenau in what has become known as "__The March of the Living"




Thank you for posting @Inusik0290

We celebrate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27 , and having one more date is very appreciate.

Holocaust is a tragedy (is, still be a tragedy) for the whole planet, not only for Jewish. We should remember every day.


Hi** @Inusik0290 **

Really painful story, i appreciate your decision for sharing the incident with fellow local guides.

We can pray for their souls in peace :pray:

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Thank you @IshantHP_ig :pray: , its really a tragedy…6 millions of lives…its a lot. I read a lot of books…unknown story’s…was awful.

Thanks for appreciation @ErmesT :pray: .

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