Yesterday was 16 December . It is a common day for every country . But in Bangladesh it is the day of great celebration .When Bangladesh becomes an independent country in 1971 on 16 December through the surrender of the Pakistani attackers . The day is one of the biggest holiday in Bangladesh . This day is celebrated in many ways . In my village the Upazila administration took many steps to celebrate the day with great joy . The day started with respecting the freedom fighters by giving flowers on the central sahid minar . Then we prayed for their soul in the deep of our heart . Then after this session we went to Pirganj government high school . There are lot of arrangements . The first task was flagging our national flag with our national song . Then scout teams,police and other teams arrive for parade . After parade a lot of group dance from different schools and colleges happened there . After that some freedom fighters who are still alive we show them respect and had a lot of discussion and listened their stories on the time of the war . After that so many sports happened there I enjoyed them a lot . At the night there was a event dancing, singing and jokes and a lot of fun things happen there . So I respect the day and enjoyed it and tired to explain my experience during the day with you guys .
Thank you guys