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Level 10

My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

It is now several days since the AI chatbot has been available on my side and since it started with Local Guides to test its features, I think it is good to share my experience of using it.


Google Experiment Lab Logo and Gen-AI experiment noticeGoogle Experiment Lab Logo and Gen-AI experiment notice


 In my opinion, it is a very interesting feature. It is so nice that you can chat with someone easily to find your desired places. It is beautiful with images and chosen review cards.


Still, it is not complete. First, it only supports the English language for chatting over both sides of the cat and even for searches! The Gemini is much smarter in this respect. This caused a big lack of results for those who only have English reviews!


On the other hand, currently, it is more useful for the results in an area such as a city or sub-locality but not for the results nearby. I tried a lot to find desired places nearby but each time the AI suggested places far apart as I searched for the whole city!



I understand it is in the experiment phase and will be better in the future. So our feedback will help the team to do their best to have a useful feature.


Finally, again I should emphasize that it is a much-needed and useful feature that just needs to be completed and definitely our feedback is helpful in this case. So, please share your experience here if you have tested Gen-AI in Google Maps.

Amir | Join us on IranLocalGuides
Level 8

Re: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

@DeniGu: Wouldn't it be an idea to bundle all such ai-related feedback into one topic? I remember my questions I asked @@@@@ @Sp31 related to this in another topic,

and for avoiding that all such important info is chattered all over the forum, I would put this together.

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource

Thanks in advance for your help.
Level 9

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps


Ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich den ganzen Artikel nicht.

Wenn ich der Ki Fragen stelle erhalte ich immer umfassende Antworten in meiner Sprache.

Handelt es sich im Artikel noch um eine andere Funktion.

Level 10

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

Do you have access to Generative AI in Google Maps? @Annaelisa 

Amir | Join us on IranLocalGuides
Level 9

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps


Ja, aber fragte mich ob sie von einem Programm sprechen welches ich noch nicht kenne 

Level 10

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

No @Annaelisa

I am also talking about Generative AI in Google Maps as I attached its screenshot. I shared my personal experience.

It is a wonder to me that you told you can chat with other language. I even tested French and had no result. May you please share a chat with it in another language rather than English? 

Amir | Join us on IranLocalGuides
Level 8

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

@Amiran: Hoe zie je dat je die generatieve ai kan gebruiken? Ik heb b.v. chat volgens mij niet ingeschakeld op maps; maar stel dat ik dat wel deed of "gesproken zoekopdracht" gebruik, hoe weet ik dan dat ik van ai gebruikmaak? Ik zie geen screenshots.

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource

Thanks in advance for your help.
Level 9

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps


Also ich konnte diese Funktion nicht finden, daher mein Unverständnis.


Level 10

Betreff: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

@KattyGeltmeyer @Annaelisa 

Sorry, I thought now after more than a month, all LGs on Connect heard about it because of the Google announcement in this case.

The section to test Generative AI in Google Maps, appears below the search box with a green-blue color if it is available for a user.

This is a screenshot of it (note that it is in the Persian interface but it is similar in other languages, too)



Amir | Join us on IranLocalGuides
Level 8

Re: My experience of using Generative AI in Google Maps

Wow wonderful ai chaat recipe good hind language used by AI Ane languages all' tropical experience good 

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