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Level 4

A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

Recently, Nahid Uncle and I visited the Varendra Museum in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. It's a place full of old things from Bangladesh's history and culture. We each paid 20 taka, making it 40 taka in total, to get inside and see everything up close.


Me at Varendra Museum RajshahiMe at Varendra Museum Rajshahi


Right when we walked in, we saw lots of items from the old days of Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim people. It wasn't crowded since we went early, but more people came as the day went on.

We got to see many rare and old things very closely. The Varendra Museum has a lot of space and it feels like it's filled with so many stories and beautiful art from a long time ago. There were stone statues that looked amazing. I was really impressed by how detailed and beautiful they were. I kept asking @NahidHossain Uncle how people back then could make such perfect things. He said that there were very creative people back then, just like there are now.


Open garden at the center of MuseumOpen garden at the center of Museum


We also saw old writings by poets and writers. One of them was a famous story called "Bhanumati" by Samsur Basu. We even saw a handwritten letter from the time of Prophet Mohammad. We wanted to take pictures of these things with our phones, but we were told not to take pictures when we entered. However, we still managed to take a few photos in the garden area, which was allowed there.

It was a really special moment for me.

Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Level 9

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

I always feel like a new boy in town whenever I visit this place. Thanks for beautifully written story about our journey today @NHTuhin 

Level 4

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful moment. @NahidHossain 

Connect Moderator

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

The museum premises look impressive and in tip-top condition.

20 Taka is a very low cost for the entrance, comparatively.

Nice photos @NHTuhin and regards to your uncle 🙏

Level 9

Betreff: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi


Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich was Menschen in allen Zeiten erschaffen haben und sehenswert, lehrreich.

Ein guter Bericht und die Bilder vom Garten sind sehr schön.

Level 8

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

As soon as you enter the museum, you can see how beautiful and elegant it was. In many cases it was terrible. Anyway, I like to spend a lot of time reading the writings when I enter the museum. 

Congratulations on writing your first post on Connect. Thank you very much @NHTuhin for sharing with us about this Barendra museum which carries many history and traditions of our Bengal.

Md. Khokon Sharker
Level 10

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

@NHTuhin Your added tropic are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with all.

Md. Jakir Hossan

Level 6

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

The museum has many heritage documents. I know a lot about this museum, because I live next to this museum.

Level 10

Re: A Day at Varendra Museum Rajshahi

Firstly we think your Nahid uncle for accompanying you to this beautiful Varendra Museum... dear fellow LG @NHTuhin ...

Next, I request you to tag me in your future post so that I will not miss any of your contributions.

Incidently I remember having read about this museum in Rajshahi.

Thank you for sharing this museum details 


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