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Guiding Stars

Mahabub H.

Mahabub H.

Level 9 • Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mahabub has done an incredible amount for his community, both in Bangladesh and around the world. Impressively, this top reviewer and photographer has created and hosted over 100 meet-ups on topics from mapping carbon-free energy sources to supporting local businesses in Bangladesh.

He's passionate about sharing helpful information on Google Maps and supporting those who need it most. "I love helping people and engaging in volunteering social activities. It is said that if you do good to others, good things will happen to you, too," he said. "I believe in this modern digital world. Local Guides can help other people by providing data and information from any part of the world. I want to help others by sharing my knowledge through the internet."

In 2020, Mahahub made it a point to help others in his community, both online and off. "This year, we have organized several virtual meet-ups and video messages to make people aware of how to handle the pandemic. We have also sprayed disinfectant spray in several areas to help stop spreading the germs after taking necessary precautions," he told us. "This gives me much pleasure when I know that my actions are bringing changes for the better."

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.