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Guiding Stars

Lalo P.

Lalo P.

Level 10 • Metepec, Mexico

Lalo is always looking to add some fun to a travel bucket list. Lalo credits the Local Guides community for the motivation to follow their passion for new destinations and cultures. To give back, Lalo organizes educational meet-ups that help others find their voice. They also provide quality contributions on Google Maps that include helpful details like accessibility features, parking availability, and more.

What is your favorite place, experience, photo or video you contributed to Google Maps this year?
My favorite place was detailing an electric go-kart course with my friends. We had so much fun visiting, it was a great group experience.

What advice do you have for other Local Guides?
Always choose quality over quantity when you are contributing. Post useful photos and reviews with tips that will help people to have the best experience. Be patient and enjoy every level up!

What do you like most about the Local Guides community?
We share really cool stuff on Connect. You can learn a lot from other cultures by reading posts from locals, such as what restaurants are authentic. It has helped me to add new places to my bucket list.

What makes a place or experience worth rating/reviewing?
I like to highlight when a place offers something different, like a new experience or when a staff member goes the extra mile to deliver great customer service.

What is your favorite feature of Google Maps?
I like to see how places looked a few years back, using the Clock Icon while viewing Street View imagery. It's interesting to see the evolution of cities with the timeline.

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow them on Connect.