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Level 5

Not far from the moon

I’m Mariana. I live two hours far from Buenos Aires (Argentina) in a small city called San Pedro. I've started to be a Local Guide by chance. When I was travelling, having enough time to read the offer from Google and answer it, as if I were unique. Ha ha! Google always makes you feel as unique…


Then, I’ve been travelling for many years, nine exactly. I live answering questions when I was travelling. But then, I learned I could help different. For example, adding small farmers of my country who sells their organic food. Also, naming roads or places the Google Maps still doesn’t know.


On March, Google, the-one-who-makes-me-unique,  sended me an email that informed that I just need 63 thousands kilometers to catch the moon…. I think this is not too much… isn’t it? On July, I’m planning a trip to China and Japan. it would be my first time in many years far from Google. Could I be a local guide there? Oh-oh…


I know there’s still much to do as Local Guide, but being part of Connect Live will be a great push. And, who knows… perhaps this will be my moon… after my Orient trip on july… a trip to the United States will reach the distance I need to the moon?


How far are you from the moon?


San Pedro, Buenos Aires, Argentina