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Former Google Contributor

Photo of the Week: Berliner Fernsehturm by Jan Kuhr (April 3, 2017)

Photo of the Week: The morning sun shining on the tiled stainless steel dome of Berliner Fernsehturm, captured by Local Guide Jan Kuhr.


Berliner Fernsehturm by Jan KuhrBerliner Fernsehturm by Jan Kuhr

Follow us on Google+, Facebook and twitter for more great photography from Local Guides.

How do we select the Photo of the Week?
We select the Local Guides Photo of the Week based on a variety of criteria; Local Guides do not "submit" or apply somewhere specifically to be featured. The photos we select are taken by actual Local Guides around the world and shared to a listed place on Google Maps. Photos of the Week are always associated with a specific point of interest on Google Maps, but some are a bit more loosely interpreted and artistic (i.e. it can be a storefront but it doesn't always have to be). They also vary quite a bit in view counts.



With so many talented explorers and photographers (amateur + pro) in our program, we want to recognize the amazing photos Local Guides around the world are contributing to Google Maps. Photo of the Week is one way to showcase different parts of the world, perspectives from LGs, and the multitude of places you can share your experiences about on Google Maps. It's worth noting that we will begin featuring more Local Guides photos generally on our social media channels.


If you're interested in having a photo you've shared to Google Maps featured, keep sharing great photography and we'll tag you on our social channels if your photo is featured!

Panoramastraße 1a, 10178, Berlin, Germany
Level 5

Berliner Fernsehturm by Jan Kuhr (April 3, 2017)

This is a picture of high quality. It meets my personal expectations for pictures used in maps and other Google products. I always try to upload non-blurry, well-composed and -set pictures myself to the project since those are the ones which are of the maximum of help for other people. The picture in maps will never be perfect but we should strive for the best at least. That's why I liked Jan's picture of the Berlin television tower right away, a very good picture indeed. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Level 8

Re: Photo of the Week: Berliner Fernsehturm by Jan Kuhr (April 3, 2017)


Thanks for Sharing Photo of The Week

The photo looks amazing

Former Google Contributor

Re: Berliner Fernsehturm by Jan Kuhr (April 3, 2017)

All the credit goes to Jan. I hope that more people will be inspired to take great photos, just like yourself!