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Google Maps get a share to Connect feature. Also an area here for reviews, and direct maps links!

It would be great to have a feature on Connect that is where we can share Google Maps links direct on Local Guides Connect. So then we can share them again from here too. 


This would be even better if Google Maps have a share to Connect link. 


Then we can feature Google Maps places to see and be part of, have fun, learn lots experience our culture of our favourite places and from the links extend our reviews with more information and articles about the areas on LG Connect features to share again. 


So after we share from Google Maps. We can share to LG Connect and put even more exciting information about places like feature events and what's happening over the near future here. 


In this way we can also start interest in meetups and future Reality Local Guides Connect Interviews dates can be posted and shared from Connect onwards after as well. 


What do you think? A Google Maps share to Connect link plus a feature area here in Connect for speciality shares shared from Google Maps. 


Please vote and add any more ideas about this as well. It will be great to get your opinions. 


With kind regards




Not applicable

@HiroyukiTakisawa さん、こんにちは




少し残念です。例えばpタグで囲う事でGoogle Photoの写真を表示する方法も、MCEエディタはオープンソースなのでもっと簡単に自動でできるはずですし・・・



あるならば直接話したいなと思ってますが、多分なくてこのIdea Exchangeでvoteがあがらない限り見られないんじゃないかと思ってます。


前にバグ報告もこのIdea Exchangeでしたのに、ソレも直ってないので・・・

Connect Moderator

@Anonymous さん




ただ、このIdea Exchangeはしっかりと読まれ、投票数が少なくとも必要だと思われる提案はきちんと反映されていますのでその点はご安心ください。マップでもコネクトでもフィードバックを続けていくことが重要だと思いますので、今後もよろしくお願いします。

Not applicable

@HiroyukiTakisawa さん、ご返信ありがとうございます。







Google Moderator




Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that similar idea has been suggested before. I am merging your idea to the existing idea with the title Google Maps get a share to Connect feature. Also an area here for reviews, and direct maps links! Feel free to join the on-going discussion and show your support by voting on the idea. 


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Level 8

Hello team,


My idea is on the integration of Local guides community within Google maps application so as to effectively engage between local guides, share instant updates with much more convenience. Simple as it is. Thank you

Google Moderator

Hello @kkrises,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that similar idea has been suggested before. I am merging your idea to the existing idea with the title Google Maps get a share to Connect feature. Also an area here for reviews, and direct maps links! Feel free to join the on-going discussion and show your support by voting on the idea. 


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Level 8

We are used to Google maps applications and Local Guide connect too, but to improve the connectivity between the each local guide and to improve the community, there could be a indication of LG traffic or a floating symbol in the maps resembling each local guide location in the map with their permission.

For example : I am going to a restaurant, checking the Google maps for reviews and could find my fellow local guide availability at the same restaurant through the Google maps applications, so we could connect and improve the community for better quality. 

Connect Moderator

Hi @Nivaas_viga


Thanks for sharing your idea.


What are your thoughts related to protecting privacy and protecting Local Guides from getting intimidating messages from upset business owners?




Level 8


Sir for privacy consent, we could have a option to enable or disable it to show our availability.

We already have a option in Google maps to mark our location, Asking ARE YOU HERE? Y/N

Similar to that we could choose to show our availability and disable for our privacy. 

Google Moderator

Hi @Nivaas_viga,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that similar idea has been suggested before. I am merging your idea to the existing idea with the title Google Maps get a share to Connect feature. Also an area here for reviews, and direct maps links! Feel free to join the on-going discussion and show your support by voting on the idea. 


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!