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Add some "real" value to perks

There has been much written in Connect about the perks offered to LGs. In the past there have been a number of different perks offered to map contributors. During my time as a LG I've seen perks like a free ice cream at the Magnum Pleasure Store in London (great if you're a Londoner), a free subscription to the NY Times (great if you're interested in a newspaper subscription), and a 20% Promo Code for shopping at ASOS (perfect if you're a fashionista), but sadly all of thee perks had "no real value" to me and no doubt to many other LGs a well.


I understand that before my time there was a 100GB drive perk offered and to me, and no doubt to many others, this type of perk would be of "real value". Therefore, I believe that the extra drive space perk should be re-introduced and perhaps it should be LG tier based to match the obvious effort and contribution required to reach that level.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 4

Thats right 

Level 8

they suppose to think about this 

Level 4

As another user suggested, if Google paid a small amount for a user to have a local meal to review after they had reviewed so many others, that would be a way to provide a local perk.

Level 7

Great idea! I am located in the heart of Central Valley CA where I'm an hr away from the nearest transit system BART and 60 mi from SF. Perhaps, deeper local guide discounts thru Uber, Lyft, or Public Transit would be not only helpful but insightful for mapping and reviews. 

Veronica Sexton
Level 7

Eu acredito que seria pertinente que nós contribuidores do Guides, tivéssemos almenos um pouco mais de espaço disponível no GOOGLE DRIVE, pois estamos contribuindo gratuitamente com o GOOGLE, e temos o mesmo reconhecimento de quem não contribui em NADA! Temos míseros 15Gb gratuitos, o mesmo espaço que outros usuários que não contribuem com nenhuma informação ao GOOGLE! não acho isso sensato! eu pago para ter mais espaço e isso poderia ser gratuito para algum certo nível de contribuição, faria todos nós que já contribuirmos, nos esforçarmos cada vez mais!   

At. Victor Hugo.

Former Google Contributor

Hi again, @LudwigGermany. Your idea is getting merged with Add some "real" value to perks since they are similar.

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Connect Moderator

As intimated in my original post, besides being very localized and appealing to only a very narrow number of the LG community, as rewards for LGs,  an ice cream in London, or a free subscription to the NY Times, or a 20% Promo Code for shopping at ASOS are ridiculous to say the least!!! Extra Drive Space makes more sense and is far more useful to the majority, if not all, LGs.  Once again my suggestion is that this should be on a tiered basis, to match the effort and contribution at each LG Level.  If the suggestion that this encourages high volume/low quality contributions is true then I believe this should be able to properly managed; quality LG contributions should be rewarded no differently to how the best quality webpages are rewarded by appearing at the top of SERPs.  All manageable!

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 4

The "why it's closed" is not a reason for why this is closed? 

I see the comment that there will be no further discussion of drive space as a perk, but the "why" seems to be missing...  

I also have wondered why I should continue to use my personal drive space for photos that mostly benefit others.

Former Google Contributor



Thanks for reaching out.


Related to your idea, feel free to check the post Add some "real" value to perks.


Follow up to that, I have relocated your post there for more information.

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Thank you!