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Level 8

Re: 111 Points L5 (February 2024)

Now this is called determination @AdamGT ! You are so devoted to these leaderboards that not even a Google Maps glitch, or your own vacation and enjoyment, can stop you 🙂 Definitely admirable. Can't say I'd do the same if I was in your shoes lol


Speaking of errors, something that jumped out at me was the name at # 61 on the Level 7 Points Leaderboard (February 2024). I think there may be some extra words in there 🙂 Luckily it is easily fixable!

Connect Moderator

Re: 111 Points L5 (February 2024)

Thank you so much for your lovely compliment @EvaBar. I am always most willing but unfortunately sometimes unable but so far so good and having been doing this at a minimum each month for almost 4 years now, I have a reasonably efficient routine. Everything goes well except when someone makes a significant error with their numbers and I have to redo a number of Leaderboards. That's when it becomes painful. 


ps: Thanks for checking for errors Eva, however I'm not seeing the error you mention at #61 of the level 7 Points Leaderboard. Is there some problem with the username @itarunkumarp? Appreciate if you could check and let me know.


Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 8

Re: 111 Points L5 (February 2024)

@AdamGT This is what I saw:




However, when I turned off the translator, the extra text wasn't there. I wonder what makes it show something that's not there when translating...

Connect Moderator

Re: 111 Points L5 (February 2024)

Aha @EvaBar, I had in the back of my mind that what you mentioned was a translator issue!!!

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 10

Re: 103 Points All LGs (February 2024)

The #1 with 1,599,888 points has now only 1,037,892. I remember checking his profile the 14th and it was still almost 1,6M, but the 15th he had already only 1M, so it happened in just one day. 


By checking the countries leaderboard  I saw that in february he had 319,225 photos, now he has just 206,911 photos, and as far as I know you can only delete photos one by one, practically impossible to delete 100,000 photos in one day by yourself.


So does anyone have any idea of what happened?


Connect Moderator

Re: 103 Points All LGs (February 2024)

Your observations @adrianprzcb are most likely explained by the recent Google Maps media issues.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 9

Re: 108 Points L8 (February 2024)


Thanks for tagging me, I appreciate your gesture. Waheguruji ( God) bless you brother for your great efforts. 

Congratulations to one all LG'S on leader board. . 

My best wishes to everyone who couldn't make it this time.. Don't worry you all do it. 

Level 10

Re: Top 100 Google Maps Local Guides Points (February, 2024)


I noticed an inconsistency with @ModNomad ’s number of edits.

on the Number of Contributions pop up it shows 247,807 edits, but when I click on the Fact Finder badge, it only shows 26 edits. I realize that there’s usually a slight difference between the number of edits listed in these two places, but this seems extreme, and I wonder if there’s a glitch somewhere 🤔


Level 9

Re: 111 Points L5 (February 2024)

Enjoy Tasmania. It's a beautiful place