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Level 8

Tips: How do I stop undesirable mention notifications or private messages?

At least one of us has faced annoying notifications about someone mentioned/tagged you or get spammed via private messages. So how we can get rid of them?


Our Google moderators has already gave their tips about this topic under the section of "Getting Started > Using the Forums" on Connect that you should read:

These posts are about private messages, it's possible to turn off this option one for all so you will not receive any message in the future. If you want to keep receiving private message but not from all users you can use the ignore feature that will block all messages from a specific user


For mention/tag notification, the only way to avoid the annoyance to reach your mail box is by disabling "Posts I'm @mentioned in"  in your notification settings



PS: Please do not abuse the mention feature or private messages to force others to read your content, use it wisely & with moderation to solve an issue or answer your questions. I f you wrote a good content it will attract others naturally without spamming.