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Level 6

Thank you, Google Maps and Internet Citizens

I love to travel, don't you?


I don't always get the chance to travel, but when I do there are 5 things I need with me at all times:

1. My passport

2. Some currency

3. My phone

4. A data plan or WiFi

5. Google Maps


Last year, I spent the year teaching English in South Korea after working 4 years in corporate accounting. I wanted to do some good in the world while seeing some new places and understanding new perspectives. I took a leap and went off on a new adventure! Within the year, I met so many amazing people, travelled to different countries, and experienced new cultures. Oftentimes I was travelling alone, and my only buddy would be Google Maps, telling me where I needed to go next and how to get there. If I was waiting at bus stations, I was on Google Maps checking directions and planning. If I was eating alone in a restaurant, I was on Google Maps writing a review in real-time. Google Maps helped me feel more connected when I was truly alone, and I owe a whole lot to its community to allowing me to experience all the wonderful memories I did in that year. 


When I was in South Korea, I became an Honorary Publicity Ambassador of Gangnam - and guess what? My status as a Level 5 Google Maps local guide helped me obtain this position! I got to experience so many events and places, personally toured, all because I felt like giving back to the online community and posting reviews/pictures/ratings on Google Maps. So yeah, I am extremely greatful to Google and also to all the citizens of the world who post and rate places just as I do. I just moved to Toronto, Canada and I cannot wait to explore this city based on everyone's recommendations and ratings. 


Toronto, ON, Canada