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Level 10

T.H.I.N.K when reviewing

Posting a public review can have an effect on the POI and also is a reflection on you, as a local guide.

I saw a poster today, which made me THINK as a local guide about the quality of a review.

Instead of a review of just “nice” or “okay place”, we could consider the points in the acronym THINK:

T = is it TRUE what I’m reporting?

H = is it HELPFUL to the owners, customers, travellers or the community, what I’m writing or photographing?

I = have I INSPIRED  the readers, or myself...?

N = have I reviewed what is NECESSARY  to add value? Have I written eNough?

K = have I been KIND ( or not been unKind) to anyone in anyway, even if I need to give criticism. 


Quality reviews add value to Google Maps, the business owners, travellers and our fellow LGs. So THINK when you post your next review or photos!

Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Level 7

Re: T.H.I.N.K when reviewing

I agree. Think sums up exactly how all local guides should approach a review. 

Level 9

Re: T.H.I.N.K when reviewing

you totally hit the nail! so true! @Vinvan

I ❤️ being a local guide! My contributions
My Connect Profile
Level 4

Re: T.H.I.N.K when reviewing

I'm glad you posted this. It is always a good reminder. If your reviews are authentic and come from the heart, they mean so much more to the readers. I feel like it is a huge help to people when the reviews are authentic, unbiased, and well-intentioned.  I'm really glad I stumbled on Local Guides Connect today. As a real estate agent, I've been trying to figure out why I have such a hard time asking for reviews from past clients and I think it is because until recently I didn't like reviewing businesses online because I felt like it was a "waste of time." I feel like I've matured a lot in the last few months in this arena and hopefully, it reflects in my online sharing and reviewing of the local businesses I have been to over the years.

Level 10

Re: T.H.I.N.K when reviewing

thanks. its so disappointing to read useless reviews. i dont see any value in rating or reviewing e.g. all grocery stores of a chain...also i dont want to bad mouth places, they just get a star rating to warn people...