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Level 6

Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

A photo of Selendang Mayang, a legendary Indonesian dessert. (Local Guide @Lusianaa)A photo of Selendang Mayang, a legendary Indonesian dessert. (Local Guide @Lusianaa)

Hello Local Guides!


I would like to introduce a legendary Indonesian dessert that is almost difficult to find in this modern era. There are many variations of dessert nowadays that makes this legendary drink eroded by the times. The name is Selendang Mayang (Mayang Shawl). It is a dessert that combines layer cake with coconut gravy and sugar syrup. Called Selendang (shawl) because the cake has several layer colors just like a dancer's shawl, and in Indonesian, Mayang is a name that can be interpreted as chewy and sweet.

Selendang Mayang is a traditional beverage from Betawi people. The dough is made of rice flour and hunkwe flour (mung bean flour), usually in red, white, and green colored. It is best served cold with ice cubes, coconut gravy, and sugar syrup. It has a sweet-savory taste. In Betawi tradition, this drink is presented in special occasions, such as wedding party and other celebration event.

If you visit Indonesia and happen to be in Jakarta, you cand find the remaining Selendang Mayang's sellers in Kota Tua area. You can also make this dessert at home. Here's the recipe.

A collage of nine photos showing the cooking process of Selendang Mayang. (Local Guide @Lusianaa)A collage of nine photos showing the cooking process of Selendang Mayang. (Local Guide @Lusianaa)


200 ml thick coconut milk
500 ml water
50 gr rice flour
100 gr hunkwe flour (mung bean flour)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
Rose red food coloring
Green food coloring

Coconut gravy ingredients:
200 ml thick coconut milk
500 ml water
1/2 tsp salt
2 pandan leaf

Sugar syrup ingredients:
200 gr palm sugar
100 gr white sugar
200 ml water
1 pandan leaf

Cooking method:
1. Place the thick coconut milk, water, rice flour, hunkwe flour, vanilla, and salt in a pan. Mix them well and cook until it becomes a thick dough.
2. Divide the dough into three equal parts. Add rose red food coloring to one part, add green food coloring to another part, and leave the rest just white.
3. Prepare the mold (I use 24x10x7 cm size) and spread some cooking oil.

a) Pour the rose red mixture into the mold,

b) then pour the white mixture,

c) and the green mixture last.
4. Let it cool, unmould, and cut into small pieces.
5. Boil all the coconut gravy ingredients and keep stirring to avoid the curdling of milk.
6. Boil all the sugar syrup ingredients until all the sugar dissolves.
7. Serve the dessert with coconut gravy, sugar syrup, and some ice cubes.


It's very easy, isn't it? I hope you try it at home. It's so yummy and refreshing! 😊


Thank you for reading and have a good day!


#monthlytopic of September 2020 - Sweets in your region @HiroyukiTakisawa 

Jakarta, Indonesia
Level 8

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Great pictures and wonderful post @Lusianaa this looks finger licking good! I never heard about this Indonesian dessert. It's so colourful it almost looks like candy.
Maybe I will try to make this myself one day.

Level 8

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

@Lusianaa Your Selendang Mayang looks really good and yummy. I like the colors of it. I will try it someday. Thank you for sharing this nice recipe with us.

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Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Gambar hasil akhirnya keren sekali kak @Lusianaa


 tapi sejujurnya baru dengar minuman ini ,ini produk baru atau memang pengetahuan tentang minumanku yang minim ,soalnya belum pernah deh nemuin amang amang yang jualan es selendang Mayang apalagi di Sukabumi , kalau cendol atau es pisang hijau sering tuh ,, lihat warnanya wow menggoda kak

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Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Hibteh @Ant_Bad_Yogi don't forget to invite me when you finished cooking processing, I want review your food wkwkw

Level 8

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

wkwkwk, teh @Nyainurjanah. One day I will cook something and share it here. One day, wkwkwk

Level 6

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Hi @Erik_van_den_Ham 

Thank you so much for your compliments. I hope you try it someday 🙂

Level 6

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Thank you @Ant_Bad_Yogi 😊

You still have enough time to make something sweet for this month's topic, maybe the secret recipe of Thai mango sticky rice? 555

Level 6

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Terima kasih @Nyainurjanah 😊

Ini produk lama mbak. Sepengetahuan saya memang hanya ada di Jakarta karena ini minuman khas Betawi. Sewaktu kecil, saya suka jajan ini di Pasar Baru. Namun sekarang sudah sangat susah menemukan penjualnya, hanya tersisa di Kota Tua. Kalau berkunjung ke Jakarta, jangan lupa cobain ya. Enak dan segar!

Level 9

Re: Selendang Mayang: A Legendary Indonesian Dessert

Wonderful post @Lusianaa !

This dessert looks so delicious and beautiful!  

I think it is really very tasty. 

May be I try to find such dessert in Indonesian restaurant in Moscow. 

Best wishes, 

Have a nice day.