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Level 8

Nobody can get lost

I really enjoy working with maps not only now but much earlier when there were no GPS, nor the INTERNET, much less cell phones.
Today, this technology is within everyone's reach but there are still many that can not access in the same way. Although many do have access to a PC Terminal at least in a supermarket, in a community center, in a YMCA, in an airport etc.
It is very common and necessary that those people who arrive continuously as emigrants or visitors to different countries, upon arrival can access the first and maximum expression of orientation in the field. I'm talking about a map with the most important information to explore in each area.
The cheapest hotels, the most affordable restaurants with the price lists, the small businesses that offer useful objects to the last one that arrives and much more, the photos of all these places with recommendations made by honest people that voluntarily add information to these maps
For me the work of Local Guide is a Hobby that I enjoy every day and in the short and long term it has an incalculable transcendence for the new generations.
Post the graphic information of those small businesses that can not compete with the big transnational companies in the big cities, get to the detail of a plate of food, critically and positively review the places they have and still do not have access for physically disabled people.
I would like to tell my grandchildren in the future "SEE THAT PIN IN THE MAP, IT WAS ADDED BY YOUR GRANDFATHER".
This post is addressed to all local guides for the work we do, but more is aimed at people who do not know that local guides exist and perhaps can encourage someone to join this great army of digital geography.

Frank Delgado
Ontario, Canada

Pickering, ON, Canada