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Level 9

My homemade Pizza 🍕



Homemade Pizza can be very easy thing to do when you doing it with passion and 💙
every one has its own secret for the special ingredient that will make the Pizza perfect!

mine is fresh ingredients and extra tension to every process start from the tomato sauce from fresh bolides tomatoes and along with rising of the dough


all you gotta do is put some spices and you're all done, Bon appetite! 😍

Level 3

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

как аппетитно выглядит, захотелось съесть)

Former Google Contributor

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Hello @theStarman,


Thanks for sharing your pizza with us! 🙂 You could tell us more about the ingredients you used, I see carrots, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms and olives. what else? 


Also the dough is very important, how did you prepare it? Since you love it, let me introduce the Italian pizza team on Connect: Eat Italy - do you Pizza? #TeamItaly.

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Level 9

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Hi @Giu_DiB thanks a lot for your feedback 😊

First thing to do is the dough for pizza, i use flour for pizza dough, room temperature water, salt, i arrange a hole in the center and put some fresh yeast, i work into dough with my hands. And then i added a little brown sugar 😉


Then i let the dough puff up and enlarge twice the side (between 30min  to 2 hours - depend on the temperature)


In the meanwhile, i prepare my topping ideas:

1.  Boiled tomatoes for the sauce (with: Spice for pizza, oregano, salt, paper and red paprika)

2.  Sweet fried peppers in olive oil (yellow & Orange)

3. Fried artichoke in olive oil

4.  Black olives (rings shape)

5. Fried mushrooms in olive oil

6. Pepperoni cut in half

7, Fresh grated mozzarella


Extra Stuff

* Corn seeds

* Gouda Cheese

* Sweet baby greens

* Parmesan cheese


Turn the oven to 250 and let it get warm, i use a slump stone in my oven 😋


When it's (the dough is puffed up ) ready, slice it so rounded balls and start making the Pizza base, put all your finest favorite topping and put in the oven till it smells like pizza!



The carrot you mentioned is Sweet Orange Pepper 😉


I Hope you try it out and get a funky delicious Pizza 🍕

Level 9

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Спасибо @Anastasiy  😍

Former Google Contributor

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Hi @theStarman,


Thanks for your reply! Your recipe is very creative and interesting indeed.


Sweet orange paper? Never heard about it, do you mean orange zest?

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Level 9

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕


Sweet Orange Pepper is  🙂 --->


In general i cook with a whole lot of love and i always add some mixed creative flavor to make it yummy delicious 😍 

Former Google Contributor

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Hi @theStarman,


I read "paper" and I was confused! 🙂 Peppers on pizza make much more sense. 


Please keep in mind that I had to remove the photo of your comment since is not yours. In the Local Guides Program Rules you can read that plagiarism is not tolerated because we want to respect everyone's intellectual property.


To learn more about the topic, you can also check the following post, where you will find helpful information: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?

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Level 9

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

sorry for the confusing @Giu_DiB 😉


np, thanks for taking care of everything 🎉

Level 6

Re: My homemade Pizza 🍕

Merci @theStarman pour le partage de cette pizza savoureuse et de sa recette! On peut bien voir que tu l'a préparée avec beaucoup d'amour et d'attention.


C'est une bonne idée d'avoir utilisé les poivrons oranges car cela ajoute un goût un peu sucré et doux à la pizza 💛