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Level 8

Loss of points


How does a member loose points.I never deleted anything.I was close to 800 points and then a drop to 761.How does this happen.



Former Google Contributor

Re: Loss of points

Hi @TomBrenner, thanks for reaching out to us 🙂

Points are awarded per high-quality review ( of a place and all reviews must be made public. Some of your reviews may be marked private if they do not adhere to our guidelines ( which include, but are not limited to URLs in reviews.


Do you know where you are seeing a decrease in points? (Is it photos, reviews, etc.?)

Level 8

Re: Loss of points


I'm not referring to specify pics. Please read my email carefully,The loss of POINTS was in the total cout ,went  from 793 to 761.Something I also noticed.I have added numerous places,Edit places that are no longer operating as a businessThis count is also now sitting at zero.Something is not right,sort of buggy.


Level 8

Re: Loss of points

Hi CorrieD

what Google takes away Google can give back.My total points are now correct.By who's doing I don't know.Google has a bug in its system.This isn't a new problem as I see many others have similarly the same loss of points/view counts. 







Level 3

Re: Loss of points

It may have somthing to do with people reporting a problem with a review or photo. I've reproted issues with 360 photos where it wasn't done right and missrepresents the area that it was taken, and within a few days that 360 photo was gone, which may have resulted in that user losing points, though I don't know 100% if this is the case. 

Level 2

Re: Loss of points

i think someone must of went in you stuff its happened to me so meny times

Level 6

Re: Loss of points

I had a similar experience. Up to a few days ago I had 101 points, now I have 76.


I mostly contribute photos, add or edit places, and answer questions. I double check all contributions before submitting them. Most of my place edits and additions seem to have been accepted and just a couple are pending. The only things that look off are my added and edited place counts, which are both 0.


I have no idea what  happened, what program guidelines I may have breached, or whether anyone flagged my contributions. This is highly demotivating, I guess I'll take a break from contributing.

Not applicable

Re: Loss of points

LOADS of people are having the points issue at the moment. It appears to be just one of Google Maps' legendary semi-regular meltdowns. They only tend to last a few days. Nobody need look at their contributions. This is nothing to do with quality or reporting people's photographs for quality (I didn't know you could even do that).


It's just Google. They'll have it back to normal within a week I'm sure.

Level 9

Re: Loss of points

hi CorrieD, to much users have this problem today, same me i lost more than 400 points? whats happend? please let me know


gr marcus

Level 6

Re: Loss of points

Thanks @Anonymous, all my points are now back.