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Level 8

Kia ora Local foodies and hungry people!

Imagine what we could do if we weren't afraid to fail. Imagine what we could eat if we knew where to go! As a chef and constantly hungry person, I'm always on the lookout for somewhere delicious to eat. It doesnt have to be fancy, it doesnt have to be the hot place in town. It just needs to be good, honest and down right lip smackingly awesome! 


I'm the type of person who plans my day around what I'm eating and what I'm cooking. While I'm standing in line for lunch I'm thinking about what we will be consuming for lunch tomorrow. It's one of the most exquisite problems to have in a city like Sydney where you are surrounded by incredible places to eat. 


I am a native New Zealander, tangata whenua or person of the land so I have many suggestions of not just where to eat in New Zealand but also where to go, what to see, where to play and where to party. I have called Sydney Australia home for the last 10 years and am slowly eating my way around this stunning city as well as bringing up a family and running an online business. I am an avid paddle boarder, so explorations of Sydney are not just land based! 


As well as New Zealand and Australia, I also spend a lot of time on the island of Oahu in Hawai'i where my love of food, family and sun collides in the most wonderful of ways.  


If there are any fellow kiwis who want to connect, Haere mai!  Aussies, G'day mate! or Hawaiians, Aloha i'ane'i ! Lets connect and share all this wonderful knowledge we have about our favourite locals together. And to anyone who's hungry and wants to know some great places to "Get a feed" in couple of my hometowns around the world. Your welcome to connect with me here. 


Kia ora katoa 

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia